Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. It is known. From time to time though the need to brake free and bring a touch of color in your decor is extremely important as it refreshes the interior atmosphere and rebuilds or relocates the focal points in your room. It is only natural to feel the constant need of change and embrace as often as possible to refresh the design scheme. Any decor can hold a drop of glamour, through some sparkling DIY decoration ideas realized properly you can disturb positively the balance in the home decor. Needless to say that all them can be used easily as New Year's decorations as well.

#1 String and Balloon Glitter Ornaments
Tutorial: news.holidash.com
#2 Beautiful Glitter Candles
Tutorial: momtastic.com
#3 Shinny Glitter Mug
Tutorial: whitehouseblackshutters.com
#4 Sparkly Cherries Ornaments
Tutorial: sugarkissed.net
#5 Glitter Up and Old Pair of Sneakers
#6 Luxuriant Sequin Wall
#7 Glittered Empowered Starbucks Coffee
Tutorial: fitnessista.com
#8 Happy New Year Sparkling Stars
Source: theprettyblog.com
#9 Simple Branches Transformed For Your Centerpiece
Tutorial: momtastic.com
#10 Colorful Glitter Glassware
Tutorial: inspiredesignandcreate.com
#11 Disco Ball Wearing Glamour
Tutorial: ohhappyday.com
#12 Ornamental Sparkly Heart Pillow
Tutorial: highondiy.com
#13 Swarovski Crystal Staircase
#14 Glitter Covered Ribbon
Source: besottedblog.com
#15 Shiny Gold Paint Feathers
#16 Balloons Containing Glitter
Tutorial: domesticcharm.blogspot.com
#17 Sparky Thumbtacks Transformation
Tutorial: lovelyindeed.com
#18 Sparkly Christmas Ornaments
Source: smartschoolhouse.com
#19 Exceptional Glitter Pumpkin Candle Holders
#20 DIY Glitter Nail Polish
Tutorial: chicfactorgazette.com
#21 Decorate Champagne and Wine Bottles
Source: atelierchristine.com
#22 Easter Ready Glitter Eggs
Tutorial: littlepinkmonster.com
#23 Glitter Make-up Holder
Source: thebeautysection.com
#24 Simple Glitter Tattoos for Kids
Tutorial: beautylish.com
#25 DIY Silver Glitter Dresser.
Source: decor-2-ur-door.com
#26 Clothespins Covered in Colorful Glitter
Tutorial: thoughtfullysimple.blogspot.com
#27 Edible Glitter Chocolate Layer Over Cakes and Cookies
Tutorial: dessertsforbreakfast.com
#28 Colorful Christmas Ornaments Wearing Glitter
Tutorial: the-wilson-world.blogspot.com
#29 Differentiate Your Keys With Glitter
#30 Glitter A Vintage Frame Up For a Glamorous Look
Tutorial: domesticcharm.blogspot.com
#31 Add Glitter to a Pair of Tights
via Buzzfeed