Even if most of the time our main goal is to blend in and be a part of the ever changing world and busy mass, one should not forget to express himself and not loose his personality.Your home and the choices you make in matters of design can say a lot about yourself. But if all you have to work with is a tern house, you can always choose to go with the usual colourful accents that can lighten your atmosphere and change the hole décor in general. Never underestimate the power of vibrant accents.They can always do wonders in all black contemporary interior design.

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."(Ralph Waldo Emerson) Those accents are the ones that separate us from the crowd and speak for our personality and taste. Golden accessories can transform a gloomy, morbid black interior into one that exudes elegance and luxury. A colourful chair placed in the right setting can attract more attention and change the focus of the entire room. Also try placing bits of colour on your walls and generate thus a brighter atmosphere. Pillows, table settings, decorations, flowers, every little accent counts and can really make a difference. Just try and experiment with your interiors.