Getting a good night’s sleep after spending a long day at work surely feels like bliss. That is why you should make all the arrangements to make it as comfortable as possible. This includes getting a good dehumidifier for bedroom spaces.

However, we have come across many people who feel a bit skeptical about using a dehumidifier in their bedrooms. And if you count yourselves as one of them, then you will be glad to know that a dehumidifier can be used in the bedroom without any issue.
Although, if you being skeptical try cat litter as dehumidifier for bedroom or any other places. They comes handy as dehumidifier, but have issues. Checkout our exclusive article on the particular topic to know more.
If anything, using a dehumidifier has a lot of advantages, some of which you might not be aware of. So, if you feel like your curiosity has been piqued by that sentence, then you are in luck because that’s what we have addressed in this article.
Let’s get started then, shall we?
Dehumidifiers And Their Types
Before we get to the meat of the article, let us discuss a bit about what dehumidifiers actually are. If you are not as savvy in these matters, you might find this information helpful.
As the name suggests, a dehumidifier removes moisture content from the air. More than one type of dehumidifier exists today, and each type has a distinct mode of operation.
The refrigerant type dehumidifier uses a refrigerant to cool a metal plate. In turn, the plate captures the moisture from the air by the process of condensation. The dried air is then cycled back into the room.
Likewise, the desiccant type dehumidifier uses a special substance known as a desiccant. This is a substance that actively absorbs moisture from the air. Silica gel is used in these dehumidifiers, given that it is one of the most well-known and powerful desiccants.
There are other types of dehumidifiers too, such as membrane dehumidifiers and heat pump dehumidifiers, but they are not as common as the ones mentioned above. Regardless of the type, the basic principle and functions of this appliance remain the same.
Dehumidifiers Vs Air Conditioners
Contrary to what some people might believe, a dehumidifier is not the same as an air conditioner. An AC removes moisture from the air and provides a flow of hot or cool air as required. On the other hand, a dehumidifier only helps to remove the moisture content from the air. It does not regulate the temperature inside the room in any way.
Yeah, we know what you might be thinking right now - if an AC can accomplish whatever a dehumidifier does and more, then why get a dehumidifier in the first place? Well, then allow us to tell you why. For starters, it is significantly cheaper.
Compared to a conventional air conditioning unit, a dehumidifier comes at a relatively lower price. Not only that, but it is also way more energy-efficient, which helps keep your energy bills in check.
Should You Have A Dehumidifier In Your Bedroom?
Yes, you should definitely have a dehumidifier in your bedroom since it will eliminate excess moisture and make it comfortable for you to get uninterrupted sleep. Thanks to its energy efficiency, you can safely run it for the whole night (and even throughout the day, if you wish).
A bedroom dehumidifier helps to considerably improve the air quality inside your bedroom. And despite not being able to make the air hot or cool, it does help in combating unpleasant room temperatures to a great extent.
In any case, the several benefits of having a bedroom dehumidifier have been discussed in greater detail in the following section, so we suggest you keep reading.
Advantages Of Having A Bedroom Dehumidifier
1. Allows You To Control The Humidity Level
The biggest and most obvious advantage of a bedroom dehumidifier is that it allows you to achieve the desired humidity level for your bedroom. Most dehumidifiers come with an in-built humidity sensor or humidistat that monitors and regulates the ambient humidity levels.
In that context, modern dehumidifiers come with automated controls that monitor and adjust the humidity levels on their own. You could control it manually as well but in this case, you need to know about the optimal measures for relative humidity.
Very little or no moisture in the air can be equally undesirable as high moisture content. High humidity inside your bedroom will make you feel sweaty and uncomfortable, while very low humidity can make your skin feel dry, which is equally uncomfortable. It can also cause respiratory problems by drying out the nasal passages and throat.
Therefore, the overall humidity level should be kept such that it is neither too moist nor too dry, which is where the dehumidifier becomes helpful. All you need to do is adjust the settings of the unit, and the appliance will keep all the humidity problems at bay while you sleep.
2. Removes Mold And Mildew
It is a well-known fact that harmful microorganisms, such as mold, bacteria, and mildew love to thrive in moist environments. As such, the high moisture content in the bedroom poses a lot more problems for you than just being uncomfortable.
The growth of such organisms can cause respiratory problems, such as asthma, cough, and irritation of the eyes, nose, or throat. In extreme cases, it may trigger allergic reactions or other similar health conditions. All of this can make it a nightmare (no pun intended) to sleep in your own bedroom. And if you have a family, the situation can become even worse.
That is why using a dehumidifier is always a wise decision. Since it helps remove humidity from the room, it indirectly prevents the growth of mold and mildew, which could otherwise pose a serious health problem.
3. Removes Dust And Mites
Besides removing moist air, a dehumidifier is capable of removing dust from the air as well. Dust accumulation inside the bedroom is never a good sign, as it causes respiratory problems. Moreover, the dust and moisture provide a favorable environment for dust mites to thrive. And in case you are not aware - dust mites are responsible for causing allergies and other health issues in humans.
Thankfully, a good dehumidifier takes care of these problems. There are a few fans inside a typical dehumidifier unit that continuously sucks the air inside the machine. Along with the humid air, all the suspended dust particles get sucked inside and ultimately get removed via the exhaust pipe.
This makes the machine relatively more versatile and eliminates the need for getting separate air purifiers for your bedroom. And since there is no dust inside the room, you won’t need to worry about dust mites either.
4. Removes Dank, Musty Odors
Surely, you would not want to sleep in a room that has a repulsive, musty smell, right? That is why you should keep a dehumidifier in the bedroom since it can effectively get rid of these odors.
These smells usually emerge because moist air has a tendency to trap odors. It can also be due to a build-up of mold, which, in turn, grows in humid environments. Dehumidifiers remove moisture, giving you fresh, clean air free from odors.
5. Portable And Convenient
Most dehumidifier models come with portable features, such as wheels, carry handles, and so on. They do not require separate installation either, so you can simply plug them into a wall outlet and start using them.
And because of these features, you can conveniently carry them around to another room as and when required. For instance, if you spend the evenings with family in the living rooms, you can shift it there and set it up. Similarly, you can move it back into the bedroom before going to bed.
Such features are also very convenient if you have to move around a lot. Unlike air conditioners, you can simply pack a dehumidifier up in your car and take it to your new house. There again, you can place it in your bedroom without needing to worry about installations.
In addition to the portability, they include features that make them easier to use as well. For instance, with features like timers, auto-start-ups, and shut-downs, you can sleep peacefully, knowing that the appliance will handle the operations on its own.
6. Easy Maintenance
Many dehumidifiers today come with top-loading filters and easily accessible compartments so that you can quickly open them up and access the internal components. These features make maintaining the unit a breeze.
Every few months, you can open up the compartments and clean out the filters, which will keep your appliance working in top condition for a long time. On top of that, this aspect will help save a lot of time and elbow grease in case the unit’s reservoirs need to be manually drained.
Factors To Consider When Using A Bedroom Dehumidifier
As you can see from the discussion above, using a bedroom dehumidifier is a wise decision indeed. However, you do need to figure out certain aspects of your bedroom to get the best results. That is what we have discussed in this section, so if you want to know what these aspects are, then read on.
1. Placement
One of the most important things to keep in mind is placement. As a general rule, the appliance should be placed in a spot where there is good air circulation. That way, it will take a considerably shorter time to recycle the air inside your bedroom.
Also, make sure to keep it slightly away from walls and corners. If you keep the dehumidifier too close to the wall, it might block the air outlets and vents, which can be detrimental to the machine. And if possible, place your dehumidifier near one of the windows or the door. This makes it easier to take out a drainage pipe and prevents making a mess.
Typically, we would suggest that you place it in a spot near the bed. That way, if you need to make some manual adjustments, you can do it from your bed without getting up.
2. Dehumidifier Size
When looking to use a dehumidifier in your bedroom, the size of the unit is another major factor for consideration. The size of a dehumidifier is measured in pints, which indicates the amount of moisture that it can remove in a day.
To determine what size dehumidifier will best suit your needs, you need to consider two things - the size of your bedroom and the ambient humidity levels outside. If you live in an area with high humidity, then you will need a larger dehumidifier. Conversely, if you live in a dry region, a small dehumidifier will be sufficient for your needs.
In the same vein, a small dehumidifier will be sufficient for a small or average size room. That will allow you enough living space without feeling too congested. However, if you prefer, you can opt for a medium-sized dehumidifier for the latter.
For large rooms, though, a medium to large-sized dehumidifier is a must. If you get a smaller unit here, it will not be able to provide efficient dehumidification. Not only that, but it will also overload the unit beyond its capacity, which will affect its function in the long run.
If you want better clarity, we would suggest that you consult a dehumidifier size chart when making the purchase. Most dehumidifier brands provide a size chart based on both of these factors, so you will find it helpful when deciding.
3. Temperature
We have discussed the sizes and humidity levels, so now you must be asking yourself - “at what temperature should I set my dehumidifier in the bedroom?” Well, to be honest, a dehumidifier can’t really control the room temperature, like we have stated before. But you do need to consider the temperature ranges within which you can safely use a dehumidifier.
You should never use your dehumidifier if the outside temperature is below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. In such a situation, the moisture collected on the cooling coils may freeze up, which will eventually damage the appliance.
On the other end, you should try to use the dehumidifier less when the ambient temperatures become higher than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Using the unit continuously when it is so hot outside may cause it to overheat, which is never a good sign.
Should I Have A Dehumidifier In My Bedroom Frequently Asked Questions ?
What is the ideal humidity level for your bedroom?
According to experts, the ideal levels of relative humidity for any living space, including the bedroom, should be around 30 to 50%. Thus, you should adjust the humidistat on your dehumidifier to any value within this range to ensure optimal comfort.
Should you keep your windows open when using the dehumidifier?
Open windows draw in unfiltered air from outside, which can hamper the functions of the dehumidifier. So, you should never keep the windows open when the unit is running. That said, you can keep it slightly ajar to make room for the drainage pipes if there are any.
Should you use an AC or a dehumidifier for your basement?
Wondering what is better for a basement - bedroom air conditioner or dehumidifier? We would suggest that you go with a dehumidifier. The versatility of a dehumidifier makes it better suited to handle the environment of your bedroom, as well as your basement. And since it is not a living area, using a bedroom air conditioner for the basement won’t be worth it.
Should I Have A Dehumidifier In My Bedroom Final Words
A dehumidifier is probably one of the most useful appliances that you can get for your household. Not only does it keep out the sweaty humidity, but it also provides you with fresh, clean air.
Thanks to its versatility and portability, you get a dehumidification solution for the entire house, including your bedroom. Once its turned on, you will get a comfortable and dry environment within minutes, which will help you fall asleep faster.
And that brings us to the end of this article. We hope that it could clear out any skepticism you had about using dehumidifiers in your bedroom.