One of the most beautiful things in nature to look upon is flower gardens. Unfortunately people with allergies cannot enjoy their natural beauty,so the spring and summer time is pretty hard for them. Flowers are mother nature's furnishings over this earth. They grow and bloom in a variety of colors,they take on their own unique shape, style and form. If planted and grown properly, they can transform any corner into a garden of Eden. Some flowers permeate an unpleasant odor while others help you to understand where some perfumes originate from.

Flowers can be planted in your own flower garden, or just among your other plants to add beauty and versatility but sadly most flowers can only be appreciated during summer and fall seasons. Man made flower gardens are those that have been planted deliberately in a certain way to create a certain euphoria, style and beauty for special occasions. This is why we call them flower gardens. Certain colored lights are strategically placed to enhance, illuminate and exaggerate their color and beauty. While flowers of various colors can stand on their own in a garden, undeniable some green trees and lawn grass really take it a notch higher to add more decor. Red roses, white carnations, morning glory, lady of the night, yellow bell flowers, lilies and tulips, all have taken up their place into the vases and gardens of many flower lovers and gardeners. Here are thirteen reasons to love the most beautiful man made flower gardens in the world.
#1 A very edenic designed flower garden
Source: worldinsidepictures.com
#2 Multi-colored flower garden showing a variety of planted flowers
#3 man made flower garden perfect for a wedding ceremony
#4 designed flower garden with seating and walk way accommodations
#5 designed flower garden glowing from the reflection of yellow decorative lights before dark
#6 same flower garden shown here in day time - what a big difference lighting fixtures make
#7 designed flower garden enclosed by concrete barrier
#8 another man made flower garden neatly planted in pots for decorative purposes
#9 majestic pink flower garden
#10 water and flowers placed strategically merge beautifully
Source: ladyandhersweetescapes.com
#11 man made 'river' of royal blue colored flowers - one of the most spectacular flower gardens
#12 designed flower garden blooming a variety of multicolored flowers
#13 designed
floral arch covered in light and dark colored pink flowers
Are you a flower lover? Gardener? Do you only appreciate natural flowers, or man's interference as well? Share your thoughts and experiences with flower gardens. Do you do this as a favorite hobby? More so, are you a flower lover but struggle with seasonal allergies? What are your favorite flowers and why? Freely put your answer/answers in the comment box below. Thank you for your input in advance.