When it comes to color, we tend to go overboard really fast and easy. Its a tricky subject and requires a formed eye in order to obtain the harmonious combination we long for but can't quite get. But when it comes to the kitchen design schemes, we are more flexible than that. Destined to be a cheerful place that gathers every day all the family around it, we love to see fresh green tones bringing the atmosphere to life or soft delicate pastel tones that seem to melt one in each other and create a perfect synergy. Take a glance at the bright colorful gallery showcased below and choose your favorite. We love number 15.

1.A shade of pink in the kitchen might seem too much but its so vibrant you've got to love her
2. Orange red and green mint is an old time classic combination
3. The earthiness of the brick wall is accentuated by the freshness of the green furniture
4. A bold furniture combined with a strong choice of back splash
5. Pastel tones have always been a viable option
6. We adore the mosaic tile counter-top and its Moroccan air
7. Washed up white wood is the perfect background for any color insertion
8.Warm tones of yellow melted with a delicate blue
9. Pop kitchen with bold color insertions making it fun and bright
10. An elegant modern take on a grey kitchen with an accent back spalsh
11. Candy kitchens offer the sweetest cooking spots
12. Mild pastel tones for a serene delicate kitchen design line
13. Choose to go strong with one region of the kitchen and let the rest just melt around it
14. Transform your kitchen bar into a favorite spot of your home
15. Classical and fresh at the same time wood brick and turqouise is the perfect combination
16. Choose to let the vibrant green tones in
17. An oriental back slash could be just the right amount of color you need
What do you think about the concept of colorful kitchen designs? Would you dare to be so bold and choose a bright unusual color combination? How does your kitchen look like? Feel free to share your thoughts and knowledge in the comment section below.