Keys are common items in our lives. Keys have a very strong meaning to each individual, a meaning that cannot be understood or interpreted correctly by nothing and no one, it is only the keeper that can determine its true value, its true meaning that transcends the value of materiality and appearance. Keys are not however the main protagonists in DIY projects usually, yes, they can be found in DIY Valentine crafts or vintage design lines but in most cases, they have a complementary role rather than a decisive one.

This happens mainly because keys are not easy to find. Keys are discarded only when we change a lock, lose a padlock, or simply find the keys lost by another individual and we have no method to refund it to its owner. However, interest in DIY key projects exists and the possibilities are beautifully infinite thanks to the mysterious nature of the key in its essence and thanks to their uniqueness. In theory, every key is unique. In practice, this is not true yet the chance to have two identical keys in DIY projects is very small.
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