The Significance Of Color In Design, Marketing and Sensation

We are surrounded by colors. The light itself is composed of colors.
"White light is a mixture of colors, which we conventionally divide into six major hues—red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. We can identify each of these basic colors by passing light through a prism. In principle, the original beam of white light could be restored by passing the entire red-to-violet range of colors—called a spectrum (plural: spectra)—through a second, oppositely oriented prism to recombine the colored beams. This experiment was first reported by Isaac Newton over 300 years ago
What determines the color of a beam of light? The answer is its wavelength (or, equivalently, its frequency). We see different colors because our eyes react differently to electromagnetic waves of different wavelengths. A prism splits a beam of light up into the familiar "rainbow" of colors because light rays of different wavelengths are bent, or refracted, slightly differently as they pass through the prism—red light the least, violet light the most. Red light has a frequency of roughly 4.3 1014 Hz, corresponding to a wavelength of about 7.0 10 -7 m. Violet light, at the other end of the visible range, has nearly double the frequency—7.5 1014 Hz—and (since the speed of light is the same in either case) just over half the wavelength—4.0 10 -7 m. The other colors we see have frequencies and wavelengths intermediate between these two extremes, spanning the entire visible spectrum; radiation outside this range is invisible to human eyes."
Without colors, our world would really be a sad place. Each color has been proven to be associated with a different emotion and state of mind. Red represents passion, yellow jealousy, white purity etc. Depending on the color tone, we can change the atmosphere of a room and what it exudes to its inhabitant. Therefore, we must think hard before buying a colorful decorative piece for your interior and consider its role in your color scheme ensemble. But first, we must understand what does a certain color say about us and about our character. The following info-graphics contain a series of useful formation we consider you should know before going ahead with that drastic color change you have in mind for your home.
30 Beautiful Interior Design Color Scheme Ideas To Inspire You
The following interior design come with their color scheme which as, you can see, is a complementary list of tones. Modern or classic, each interior must follow a color scheme for the design to be understood and perceived as a hole. The chosen interior have one thing in common: bold colors as an accent surrounded by soft, complementary tones to calm it down and put it to attention as well.