Memories are a precious thing to preserve and time leave sits mark upon us and allows us to lose bits and pieces of those wonderful memories. Luckily today's technology offers us multiple methods of recording the happy moments of your lives and to keep them safe. Photography is one of them and we all have photos of our childhood and of our loved ones lining somewhere around the house in one form or another. Today we are talking about DIY Photo Display Wall Art Ideas as a means of exhibiting our past for everyone to see it. We have encountered over 40 ideas on how to creatively display your photography in beautiful ways that can emphasize any interior decor and that will hold a special meaning to you and your family. There are multiple ways of arranging photo frames on a wall depending on the chosen room, wall space, dimensions and overall room composition.

But photo frames are just one way to go and might cost you more thn you are willing to invest in such a project. But there are lots of DIY ideas that offer the same results or even better ones at a lower price. You just have to seek for creativity and inspiration and to be willing to do some crafty work in order to obtain the intended result. We especially love the heart arrangements and the tree of life photo display. You can choose to add your photo in a jar to obtain a panoramic effect or to use string lights to empower your arrangement.Another wonderful idea is transferring photos to wood pieces for a vintage decor. So which idea to you find appealing? We invite you to get inspired from our collection below and to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section or on our social platforms.