When it comes to the kitchen, designs are endless and we pay a very close attention to the details.We spend a large amount of our time in the kitchen area, preparing meals for our families, entertaining friends and relatives.It is the one place we manage to gather in every day morning and night, no matter what busy hectic lives we live. So it is only natural to provide a certain interest to our gathering space, to the core of the house. With this idea in mind today we are talking about vent hoods designs and the comfort and beautiful aesthetics such items can provide for our kitchen lines.Besides the basic necessity which is rather obvious, considering that in most kitchens meals are prepared on a daily basis and steam and smells invade our homes, there is also an aesthetic aspect of having a vent hood in your kitchen.

It adds complexity to the design line, becoming an interesting presence in the kitchen line. It drags attention to the stove which is the key element in the cooking process through its size, massiveness and choice of decoration.Moldings add a French presence to a vent hood and elegance as well whether the decor itself is simple or more complex and intricate. Coppery finishing draw attention to the vent, becoming even lovelier in time as the cooper oxides and catches that green shade finish. We have also featured some interesting examples of wooden vent hoods which add that raw rich texture of the natural wooden material into focus again.Which ever finish you choose, try and decide from the very begging the direction you will want to take with the design line and be consequent with it.
The chosen backs plash is utterly important as well, managing to bring the stove and vent hood design into focus, defining that particular area and contrasting from the rest of the room.
A white elegant design is so fresh and vibrant through simplicity we have fallen in love with this image instantly.
The below piece is one of rare beauty and transcends the basic utilitarian use of a vent hood.
A classical design framing a massive sumptuous vent hood design.
Modern designs add glamour as well in a simple minimalist way.
Whether you choose to integrate it in the overall design tone of the rest of the furniture or to make a statement our of the vent hood, options are endless and all manage to add complexity and to connect all the pieces of the puzzle a kitchen is. Do you have a vent hood? How does it look like and does it integrate in your overall design? We would love to hear your take on this subject in the comment section below. Feel free to share your own ideas and projects as well, we are always looking for creative appealing ideas to try on.