The right headboard that will complete your bedroom design might seem difficult to find. But the ideas are there, you just have to be a little bit creative and not give up easily. We are always for DIY projects and a DIY headboard project is a good start for a newbie. Color, texture, material, all influence the atmosphere and the way a room is perceived. Want a vintage look? Use old doors or wooden pallets. Dream of a delicate, girlish room? Add tones of soft pink or a floral headboard to accentuate the freshness of the room. Recreate a scene from a movie with cultural inspired headboards or be bold and use strong powerful colors and raw materials. In the end the choice is yours. Just make it yourself and you will love it no matter what. Enjoy our Top 24 DIY Headboard Projects And Ideas.
1. Use old paddles as a headboard

2. Find a beautiful painting as a headboard

3.Different textures,colors and materials

4. Find a bold color you love- in this case, turquoise

5. Create a romantic fresh mood with a floral delicate headboard

6. Upholster your old headboard

7. Wood painted in strong colors is in

8. Old signs as a vintage headboard

9. Old shudders

10. Or a white fence

11. Stamp looking headboard

12. Pallets are also an option

13. Or simply paint a headboard on the wall

14. Use old doors for a vintage look

15. Find an odd looking piece of wood

16. Expand the room with a mirror headboard

18.Find inspiration in other cultures

19.Reuse old things and be creative

13. Colored rope can become a headboard

14. Use an old door

15. Soft pink headboard for a fairy-tale atmosphere

16. A rug as a headboard

17. Delicate para-van painted in white

18. Paint your wall in pastel colors and add a special message

19. Add a shelf

20. Iron gates at the entry to the world of sleep

21.Colorful wallpaper

22. On old fireplace mask

23. Curtains are so delicate

24. Pallet wood for a small room