Airiness shaped indoors brings the inhabitant calm, peace and tranquility as it creates and extraordinary breathable, awe-inspiring state often pursued by the individual. This splendid ambiance is often conjured in interior designs through the extensive use of stark white and light in the pursuit of serendipity.

In the attempt to change your indoor ambiance though pattern whilst using white you can use white painted wood, withered wood, tiles and custom 3D wall options that ought to remap the surface with a certain design motif, white brick walls are also a common option in industrial design.
A collection of white brick walls have been curated in the attempt to help one in the pursuit of this airy ambiance through the use of a pattern that provides rhythm,texture and depth alike : white bricks. These could be installed white directly or they can be painted but for the latter one ought to keep in mind that this effect is not reversible.
White Brick Walls Shaping Airiness Follow
A brick wall can bring forward a gallery offering it a supporting texture.
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The white brick can be considered a design component itself greatly contributing to simply decorated spaces with a neutral almost deaf coziness.
via decor8blog.com
The wooden texture can become a focal point in both color and texture, use it to create that warm point of interest without distressing that neutral white ambiance that supports it with a contrast of coldness and stillness.
The brick texture creates the feeling of a whole chimney despite the lack of volume, the lower shelf, and the above chimney mantel thus shaping the extraordinarily elegant package with very few elements.
The texture here creatures contrasts with the mirror finish of the teal furnishing, the latter contradicts it in flatness and color alike creating a very powerful indirect contrast. The blanket on the couch and sculptural glass items on a side table in front support the strong position of the furnishings thus creating balance in the interior with little color effort.
The dream-like dimension brought by a brick wall encourages the inhabitant to happy simplicity; notice how natural and elegant a simple mattress looks placed directly on the concrete floor above. The bedding rightfully respects the dialogue between concrete and the white wall and contributes to the scenery with the right chromatic.
via urbanoutfitters.com
Stainless steel and leather may look overwhelmed, and subdued in the presence of a strong texture with which no connection is created.
via looknookhook.wordpress.com
An extensive wooden surface can function with a brick wall in white and give the right balance; here the proposed wood contributes with texture only, and the color fades out.
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The contrast of a wooden texture with white and black can always win the game, brick simply spices up the game.
via Rikki Snyder
Black and white contrasts are timeless solutions that can always become more or less through the addition of various supporting elements.
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A white-yellowish solution should be sustained by a strong interior statement, "God is in the details".
To create the illusion of time and memory and a freshly built building white brick walls can be used successfully.
via Pinterest
Balance ought to be pursued in any setting regardless of the design expression chosen.
In an open plan kitchen-dining-living room space the feeling of airiness can be built easier through sufficient light and white to bounce it throughout. The concrete floor grounds the interior space with a slight contrast that simply elevates the vertical planes here conveniently in white.
The intricate detailing of the texture brings coziness in small settings.
via Pinterest
Balanced and airy setting in a modern setting embracing neutral tones.
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Stark white throughout anchors settings in the realm of fairy tales, the simple awe-inspiring ambiance is often pursued but rarely materialized.
Wooden tones with memory contribute with a time fingerprint in a simple setting that sustains this dimension through the white brick wall that does not challenge the interior in chromatics.
via decorcology.com
Elegance can be brought in through different means, notice the intricate pattern on the floor that diminishes the brick`s importance and creates great depth as here the surface is shattered and occasionally has breaks in rhythm that might be generated by stone inserts. The sculptural mineral presence in black and the uniquely shaped sink come forward despite the immense amount of detail in an intense-extraordinarily beautiful setting.
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A simple impeccable setting is obtained through a perfect balance between wood and white in a setting flooded by light.
via b-vds.co.uk
The intense dynamic of the interior above is uncertain; the pillar in white disrupts the white-purple brick surface thus creating a great unbalance. The sculptural black chair and glass dining table also have an odd connection with the floor. Elements are missing and there is no balance between the interior`s components. How do you see this interior?
A white brick wall beautifully highlights the simply extraordinary wooden sculptural element that undoubtedly defines the interior.
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Balance in a chic ambiance. Simple color accents subdued to the overall theme construct a very cozy ambiance effortlessly.
via remodelista.com
Simplicity requires a certain composition hierarchy, here uncertain.
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Wooden pallets, brick walls, and a sliding wood barn door in their simplicity are extraordinary elements that can easily carry a great interior.
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Wooden textures testes by time, bricks with memory, and greenery are a recipe for success.
via dig-mig.blogspot.dk
Simple interiors can win the day any day.
via www.iroonie.com
A beautiful wooden texture can always use the support of stark white.
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Frame the beautiful and complement it with aged items.
via Pinterest
To emphasize the feeling of space acrylic chairs have been successfully used above.
via Pinterest
Color can be substituted with patterns and authenticity in design.
via roombowl.com
Few elements, all sculptural in one airy space.
via modernmagazin.com
Wooden textures become focal points, black creates contrast and a dark green contributes with a neutral-subdued color.
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via Pinterest.com
The geometric playfulness with cozy wooden textures complements the frozen stillness of the brick wall behind in both color and rhythm through dynamic alike.
via babasouk.ca
via interiordesign777.com
Curtains are undoubtedly key elements, here, in a space already boosting color, naturalness, and coziness, the perfect balance is achieved.
via Lonny
The option to create withered bricks, somewhere between their natural look and the white state is common as the unfinished look describes a setting with great identity with little to no effort; the result is also closer to the industrial look of a natural brick that can enrich an interior with coziness.
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Wood is always a beautiful supporting texture, here in contrast.
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Three elements in a space with two textures shape something unique. Authenticity in equilibrium.
via espritcampagne.canalblog.com
Emphasizing a wall with memory with light and greenery is always a good idea.
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The mirror emphasizes the feeling of space in an airy setting aided by white brick walls.
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Withered aged wood, greenery, and walls that stand the age of time and recorded their part of history holding an industrial frame towards the exterior medium. This space shelters memory in an extraordinary frozen state of calm.
Small spaces too can shelter the white-brick wall + wood + greenery trio successfully.
via bloglovin.com
Industrial interior design has always been a means of expression that knew how to use brick walls to its advantage regardless of their state.
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Acrylic furnishings are often used in sophisticated small interiors to overwrite clutter.
A blue intricate rug with naturalness in pattern grounds the neutral interior design composition above, which has the individual as the main element around which all gravitates.
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Ethereal ambiance with stark white throughout, grounded with white-wooden floors.
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by Elk Studios
Notice how the brick wall has been painted in the bedroom only to enlarge that particular space.
by Travis Dubreuil
How do you see the spaces above and the role of white brick walls in interior design? We would love to hear from you in the comment section below.