Your wireless doorbell may be ringing constantly due to frequency and battery issues, among other things. These problems can usually be resolved on your own without the extra cost of repair.

As popular as wireless doorbells have been getting, their maintenance is considered negligible. But this is not true. Any smart device will need proper care to function without hassle.
The constant ringing of a smart doorbell is one common issue that many do not know how to resolve. In this guide, we help you figure out exactly what you need to do to fix it and how it can be avoided in the future.
How Does A Doorbell Keep Ringing By Itself?
There can be many factors like dust, shortage of wires, or installation issues that make a wireless doorbell keep ringing on its own. You are more likely to face this problem if you have an old doorbell that isn’t cared for very well. That’s why your doorbells need proper maintenance, too, just like other electronic or battery-operated fixtures in your home.
A constantly ringing doorbell can be both frustrating and confusing. You may assume someone to be at the door in the middle of the night but end up finding nobody. Similarly, you may think that the ringing is on its own when in actuality there is someone at the door.
Although there are various reasons as to why your doorbell may be ringing on its own, we can boil it down to four main factors.
- Sticking doorbell buttons
- Frequency signal interference
- Battery issues
- Corrosion and moisture accumulation
- Doorbell chime
The good news is that most of the issues mentioned-above are generally rectifiable the DIY way, and we will tell you all about them in the following sections.
What Is A Sticking Doorbell Button?
If you have been using your doorbell for a while now and failed to do proper maintenance, you may be facing the sticking button issue. But what exactly is a sticking button?
It happens when the doorbell button gets stuck in a position that ends up pressing the doorbell, thus making it ring constantly. This can result from the accumulation of dust and dirt from your hands on the doorbell.
Initially, it would be an occasional occurrence, maybe when you press the button. But eventually, the stuck button and consequent ringing will turn into a regular problem to leave you frustrated.
Furthermore, if a small gap forms between the connecting points of the doorbell due wear and tear of time or other unforeseeable factors, it’ll develop electrostatic charges that will end up making the doorbell ring continuously. This is why keeping a check of your wireless doorbell is absolutely necessary.
How To Fix This Issue?
The first and foremost thing to do will be to clean your doorbell and the area around it. Once you have cleaned the area thoroughly, you can unscrew the doorbell from the wall. You can then separate the casing from the doorbell button and look for any accumulation of dirt around the button.
We’d also suggest using compressed air to make sure all of the dust and dirt is removed from the button. Once you’re satisfied with the cleaning, put the button back on the casing and attach it to the wall.
It is important to remember that regular maintenance of your doorbell will help prevent such false alerts from occurring again.
A little trick you can do to close the gap on the bell is to spray a little WD-40 on the gap. Be sure not to overspray, as that can cause more dirt and dust to get accumulated. A little goes a long way with this trick.
If cleaning the button does not solve the problem, check the powerbox of the doorbell. Chances are either the powerbox or the doorbell's connection to the powerbox is the culprit.
What Are Some Other Causes Of A Ringing Wireless Doorbell Ringing On Its Own?
1. Signal Interference
Wireless systems have gained popularity and are usually the first choice for homeowners when it comes to home security. However, many wireless systems can end up ringing on their own due to signal frequency interference.
If your doorbell is from Ring or any popular brand, for that matter, you would know it uses a frequency range of 400MHz to 500MHz to function. This is a standard frequency range.
The doorbell ends up ringing when the doorbell chime receives these frequency signals. But if a nearby doorbell also uses the same frequency, it will cause signal interference and end up making your doorbell ring.
Considering that the frequency range for most wireless doorbells are the same, the chances of this happening are quite high.
Likewise, similar frequency bands or wireless devices in the vicinity can cause this issue. For example, if your CCTV camera uses the same frequency as your wireless doorbell, it increases the chances for signal interference.
How To Fix This Problem?
Most wireless devices have a privacy code, also known as channel selector. This code enables you to set the exact amount of operational frequency you want for that device.
So, you can change the sub frequencies of your wireless doorbell by simply changing the privacy code. For example, if the current frequency is 400MHz, you can change it to 400.5MHz.
You do have to keep in mind that the doorbell button transmitter and the doorbell receiver should be of the same privacy code. This will help the doorbell use the same frequency to operate while reducing the chances of signal interference from other devices.
People most often change the sub-frequency by 0.5 so that there is no drastic change in frequency and the other devices around would not be using the same frequency.
Privacy codes are usually found at the back of both the transmitter and the receiver. It can be a slide or a small button where to change the frequencies, you will have to slide it to the desired frequency.
You may have to change your frequency a certain number of times before you find the right one with very little signal interference. The instruction manual of your device will provide you with clear information on how to change the privacy code.
What If You Cannot Change The Frequency?
Most doorbells these days do give you the option of changing frequencies. So, facing this issue would be a miniscule probability.
However, if you do face this issue, you first need to identify the device that your doorbell's frequency is clashing with. Once you have managed to identify that, you can proceed to change said device’s frequency. This stops the frequencies cursing interference.
Most doorbells these days do give you the option of changing its frequencies. So, facing this issue would be a miniscule probability.
However, if you do face this issue, you first need to identify the device that your doorbell's frequency is clashing with. Once you have managed to identify that, you can proceed to change said device’s frequency. This stops the frequencies cursing interference.
2. Dead Batteries
If your wireless doorbell has been functioning for a while now, and you haven’t replaced the batteries, checking on them would be a wise choice. Even the best batteries won’t retain charge for a lifetime, so it’s imperative to keep a check on them and change them when needed. You can use a multimeter to check if the batteries still have charge or are dead.
How often you change the batteries will largely depend on the model of the wireless doorbell. Certain models can continue functioning for long periods of time, like a year or two, without needing a battery change. On the other hand, some models will need you to change the batteries every couple of months.
Low batteries do not cause the constant ringing most of the time, However, in certain cases they can be a significant reason as to why your doorbell keeps ringing.
3. Corrosion And Moisture
Although most doorbells and their buttons are waterproof, nature has a way of playing its tricks. Moisture and corrosion can sometimes get to the doorbell and cause it to function poorly.
To inspect your doorbell, all you have to do is remove the cover of the pushbutton and look for any corrosion. If you do not find any, you are good to go.
In the event that you do end up finding corrosion, you can remove it gently or scrape it off the doorbell. And conducting regular checks will prevent moisture and corrosion destroying your wireless doorbell.
4. Doorbell Chime
Oftentimes, the problem lies with the doorbell chime unit kit, which makes your doorbell ring. Check your digital kit to see if this is the case, and replace it with a new one if required. Make sure that the new kit is compatible with your doorbell.
Brands like Ring and Nest have a certain set of digital bell kits that are compatible with their devices. So, make sure you get the right one to avoid inefficiency..
Wired Or Wireless- Which Doorbell Is Better ?
A wired doorbell system is generally much harder to install as compared to wireless systems since there is a complicated wiring process that is involved. So, unless your house is being remodeled, the better idea would be going for a wireless system.
Wireless doorbells are easy to install and can save you time as well as cost of installation. Unlike wired doorbells, wireless doorbells do not need drilling or any other extra steps that may take time. These doorbells contain every component a wired doorbell contains but can be installed a lot quicker.
Another reason wireless doorbells stand out are the added safety features and convenience they offer, which are rarely present in wired doorbells. Many popular doorbell brands like Ring or Nest offer more features within their wireless models, like:
1. Extra Receivers
Some wireless doorbells may enable you to add multiple receivers. You can place one near your door or your living area and another at the farther end of the house. So, if someone were to press your doorbell and you happen to be away from the living room, you can still hear them.
2. Flashing Light
These doorbells also have a flashing light on their receivers, which blinks when someone presses the doorbell. This is a great feature for those with hearing impairment, as they will still be alerted about someone's presence at their door.
How To Install A Wireless Doorbell?
Now, you may be wondering “how to install a wireless doorbell afterall?” So, we’ve got you covered here!
1. Plug The Chime Unit
To install your wireless doorbell, you need to install a chime unit first. Ideally, it should be plugged into a 120v outlet near to your living area. The chime should be heard throughout the house so locate an outlet that is preferably in the center of the house.
2. Place Battery In Push Button
The second step to installing a wireless doorbell is to place the battery in the button. For this, you can use a flathead screwdriver to open up the push button unit. Then place the batteries that were provided with the doorbell into the unit. Make sure they are placed correctly. Once you are done, close the push button unit.
3. Install The Push Button
Once you have the push button ready, you can look for a good spot to fix it- anywhere at your front door with a height that is comfortable would be fine. But before you screw the button unit in place, it would be a good idea to test the doorbell. Once you make sure that it works fine, you can go ahead and screw in the push button at the desired location.
Can A Faulty Doorbell Cause A Fire?
If you own a wired doorbell, there are possibilities of a fire if it has exposed wires. It also poses a threat to the ones using the bell as there are chances of electrocution. However, if you're using a wireless doorbell, there is very little to no chance of a fire. This is because there is no doorbell wiring, thus reducing the risk of a fire.
How To Fix A Ringing Wired Doorbell?
If your wired doorbell is facing the same issue, and fixing the sticking button did not solve the constant ringing, it’s highly likely that a short or loose wire is causing the issue. Or if you are really unlucky, it could be both. However, these problems can be solved by checking the transformers or the doorbell chime.
Wireless Doorbell Keep Ringing Final Words
A doorbell ringing constantly at random times is a very common issue, but you don't have to worry about it too much. A little DIY can help you save money and your ears that probably might need some rest after the continuous ringing. You may also want to keep an eye out for some little prankster who may be doing this to your doorbell!
We hope this article helped you with your smart doorbell issues. If you found this information helpful, do check out our article “How do wireless doorbell systems work?” on our website.