A highly important lesson that we should share with our little loved ones is responsibility and resource management. It may sound too much for some parents but making your child aware of what he is receiving and how valuable or non valuable are items in life is an extremely important thing from our point of view. Moral principles and education are the most important things that children remember and borrow from their parents to build their character. Make sure that you are a raw model for your child and do your best to make him aware of the world around him even if it is a little more grim. Through simple and creative piggy banks crafts you may start the education on one of the most delicate subjects in life : money.

Every simple step in this process can be educative, from recycling the bottle for the new piggy bank up to the monthly deposit that should be considered, a deposit that will be considered for his favorite toys probably. We invite you to cast a glance at the ideas showcased below and consider this short craft for your upcoming project.