Spring in all its splendor is here, knocking at our door, inviting us to refresh our decor and start working on the backyard landscape design. Through small simple upgrades you can easily start a garden improvement project that will transform your backyard into a small heaven. Easy and cheap diy art projects for your landscape have been featured ahead, we have found each and every one of them highly original and easy to realize. Pin your favorites for later use and share the inspiration pack with your love ones.

#1 DIY Vintage Flower Pot Holding Petunias
Source: pinterest.com
#2 Industrial Vintage Design Garden License Plate Flowers
#3 Garden Planter and Bird Bath Composition
Tutorial: homestoriesatoz.com
#4 Backyard DIY Stone Projects
Tutorial: instructables.com
#5 Drain Trays and Flower Pots in Garden Mushroom
Tutorial: birdsandblooms.com
#6 Miniature Fairy Tale Folk Garden
#7 Light Animated Garden Treasure Jars
Tutorial: empressofdirt.net
#8 Bird House Ensemble Enhancing Nature
#9 Creative Pebble Mosaic
Source: flickr.com
#10 Creative Recycled Tires Crafts
Tutorial: twowomenandahoe.com
#11 Gorgeous Recycled Watering Can Pouring Crystals
Tutorial: craftsbyamanda.com
#12 Colorful Creative DIY Tire Planters
#13 DIY Rock Spiral Herb Garden Design
Tutorial: ohmy-creative.com
#14 Creative Clay Pot Flower Pots People
Source: sodahead.com
#15 Fully Recyclable Earth Wise Owls
Tutorial: empressofdirt.net
#16 Simple Metallic Mushroom Ornaments
Source: bobbiesgirl-carole.blogspot.com
#17 Ladybugs Golf Balls
Tutorial: artdrops-tatjana.blogspot.com.es
#18 Creative Animals in the Garden Realized from Old Tires
Source: icreativeideas.com
#19 Sculptural Bird Cage With Succulents
Source: empressofdirt.net
#20 Extraordinary Positive Oil Barrels Planters
Source: allmystery.de
#21 Creatively Up-cycled Elements into Wind Chime
Source: flickr.com
#22 Ingenious Backyard Flower Composition
Source: lovethispic.com
#23 Tree Sculptures Realized Out of Old Tires
Source: pinterest.com
#24 Wheel Barrow Planters Beautifying Your Backyard
Source: woohome.com
#25 Colorful Hubcap Flowers
Tutorial: theweathereddoor.blogspot.com
#26 Colorful Positive Messages in Your View
#27 Creative and Colorful Crayon Fence
Source: woohome.com
#28 Moss Graffiti Enhancing Vertical Planes
Tutorial: wikihow.com
#29 Flower Up-cycled Plastic Bottles
Source: podelkin.com
#30 Colorful Vintage Bicycle Planters
#31 Mason Jars Garden Chandeliers
Source: decoracion2.com
#32 Cinder Block Herb Garden Composition Filled With Color
Source: toovia.com
#33 Sculptural Bottle Swan Shaped Planters
Source: amazinginteriordesign.com
#34 Concrete Leave Fountains
Source: pinterest.com
We would love to hear your valuable feedback on the backyard DIY Art Projects showcased in the comment section below. We have found each and every one extremely inspiring and we would love to hear your thoughts as well.