Whether you are an artisan, a creative individual that loves DIY projects or you simply recycle and creatively repurpose some old objects from time to time, you ought always to seek inspiration. Creativity has deep roots in experiences and memory and with this thought in mind we are trying to serve and feed your imagination, fuel your creativity. Ahead are lying 10 creative examples of household items repurposed; we found them useful and hope you will too.

1. Door Repurposed Into a Temporary Coffee Table
image via phantasticphinds.org
2. Old Boxes Used as Shelves
image via bomeng.org
3. Eclectic Shelve Ensemble Obtained Throughout Creativity
4.Strap Shelves to the Wall
5.Door Key Plates Lighting the Room
image via phantasticphinds.ro
6.Repurpose Old Objects as Road Signs Into Tables
image via interiordesignphotos.co.uk
7.Road Sign Chairs
8.Creative Guitar Shelf Maintaining Memories and Books Alike
9. Elegant Farm Dining Table
image via phantasticphinds.ro
10.Door Coat Hangers
image via phantasticphinds.blogspot.ro