The toddle stage is a stage of developing the creative minds of your little ones. This is the period when children will ask more questions and find almost everything fascinating and interesting. Children this age will get bored, anxious and irritated when their imagination is not fed. In order to relieve toddlers from the boredom that winter can bring, here are some lovely selections of creative and colorful winter crafts for toddlers.

1. little palm print red nose reindeer ornament
Keeping memories of a child's growth can be fun. This reindeer palm prints art projects made into red nose reindeer ornaments make or perfect winter decoration inside a home. The wintry art is also pretty easy and fun to make.
2. colorful paper plate art decoration
A child's imagination and use of colors can be explosive. This colorful paper plate art proves how children can mix and match colors effortlessly and still have beautiful art worth displaying in all corners of a room.
3. perfect hot cocoa craft for winter days
Winter is about warm clothes, hearty soups, and hot cocoa, so arts inspired by this luscious drink brings a superb and heart-warming beauty inside any home. This colorful hot cocoa craft for toddlers can be as colorful as fun and can lighten up the mood of the whole winter home design.
4. lovely felt mittens wall decoration
Felt is an amazing art supply that can be used for cute home decorations and is perfect for little hands. This same cuteness is shown in this felt mittens art. It is a colorful decoration that kids can be as creative as they want.
5. winter wonderland paper plate bonnet
Blue and white are classic hues for winter and create stunning art pieces even in the simplest forms made by toddlers. This paper plate bonnet is an example of this lovely combination. It is stunning as it is, but adding a little glitter can make it more glamorous and wintry.
As winter comes to mind, fairy lights or Christmas lights also become a staple in most homes. And while fairy lights are perfect ooutside a home, having decorations that depict the dainty colors of these fairy lights is nothing short of beautiful especially when made by kids' small hands.
Toddlers love to have something soft to work with and parents would also love to have something safe to play and create art with. Cotton symbolizes the softness and immaculate white of snow and winter highlighting the blue background and other colorful materials used in this snowman art.
Winter is all about having fun and crafting is no exception. Try out this snow slime with your toddler, you will find it very much enjoyable.
9. snowflake palm print fun
Kids will love this wintry art and will surely enjoy making this with their own hands. The snowflake surely sends off the right vibe for winter and fist perfectly with any other winter designs.
10. let the little ones play with color
Children will love to create things that they can boast about to their peers and their friends. This colorful paper plate tree is an easy winter craft for toddlers that will surely make the room brighter and warmer for the whole season.
11. snowman footprint keeps memories in style
Snowman decorations in a home in winter days are are a must and the one made by toddlers are undeniably the most memorable ones. This snowman footprint art captures the cuteness of snowmen and the warm memories that children create in a home.
12. fun and beautiful bubble wrap winter art
Kids and kids at heart will surely get interested in any art craft with bubble wraps. This easy project creates a lovely winter worthy art that can become perfect piece on a side or sofa table to welcome guests. The colors are basic winter colors and capture the winter feel that everyone will surely appreciate.
13. personalized Mr. snowman snow globe
Snow globes are home decorations that can be put up in any season but will look lovelier and will fit best in winter. While having real snow globes is preferable, creating paper snowman snow globes also fits perfectly the time.
14. getting creative with art materials
For toddlers, art materials can literally be anything, even a cookie cutter. This cookie cutter winter art can be perfect for cut out decorations or paper paint art that can be displayed on a special kids' corner.
15. creating simple and cute winter art
This artsy craft is simple- it only needs paint, paper, tape and a child's creative hands. The colors used represent a winter wonderland that any kid and kids at heart find attractive.
16. keeping memories in winter arts
Winter season brings about great memories, and keeping each one in an intimate level is a wonderful idea for art and decorations.
17. happy snowman card art
Because winter is not complete without a snowman, this snowman card art fits perfectly the season. The art is simple but is surely cute.
How do you entertain you toddler during winter days? Feel free to share ideas in the comment section below.