Sea shells can be used to make a variety of craft ideas and ornaments and they`re quite interesting because sea shells do come from the group of animals that carry shells on their backs. These mollusks as they are called leave behind a rich supply of mantle which are made from calcium carbonate. Shell collecting is an ardent pastime by many beach combers who love to indulge in recreating, designing, sculpting and painting these left behind exoskeletons that litter the seashore. Many names have been assigned to these shells as they`re known around the world as banded tulip, the periwinkle, baby's ears and imperial Venus among many others. Over 80 sea shells can be identified from around the world as there are over 50,000 of every kind; all with their own scientific names. For those who are unable to collect their own sea shells, worry not, you can buy them over the internet. As you must know, the collecting, crafting, selling and buying of sea shells is a big business.

Always be careful when picking up large sea shells on the shore with your bare hands even though many shell lovers still engage in the habit. Sea shells must be clean thoroughly before they can be used. Live sea shells or shells that still have live tissues in them are not always allowed to be collected by some states and more importantly, they might carry health threats; if you can collect them, then bury them in the ground so that insects and bacteria will clean out the remaining tissue. Other methods of cleaning are freezing, boiling and even placing them in your microwave.
We invite you to cast a glance at the 21 mollusks that have been ingeniously crafted for commercial and home use.
#1 An ingenious idea of turning your beach shell collectives into hair clips
#2 hand made drift wall clock with sea shells for beach decor
#3 diy flower idea made from sea shells
#4 picture frame designed with sea shells gathered from the beach
#5 heart-shaped art made from sea shells on a pallet board to hang on a wall giving a rustic decor
#6 Christmas tree shaped decoration made using sea shells
#7 vintage jewelry and sea shell embellished mirror
#8 easy diy butterfly sea shell framed art on display
#9 Christmas angel ornament made from sea shells
#10 hand painted mini dog ornaments
#11 sea horse made from a collection of sea shells
#12 hanging sea shells made to create wind chimes effect
#13 sea shell diy project showing a 4-5' tall pelican bird craft idea
#14 Picture created in a frame using beach shells
#15 accessories made using sea shells
#16 sea shell wreath
#17 sea shell hair comb- hair accessory made using beach shells
#18 blue and purple shell copper pendant
#19 fun simple crafts that can be made by kids
#20 sparkling mason jar filled with sea shells
#21 artifact captioned Christmas by the sea
Don't forget to post your fun sea shell collecting stories in the comment section below.