It is Halloween? Christmas? Easter? Valentine's Day? Friday or Monday? You have millions of reasons, seconds and minutes to justify the purchase of a ring for your loved one. A ring should make a statement for itself and in a direct connection, the ring box or way in which you reveal it, present it, gift it, should be unique as well. It should match your personality, hers, his and add romance and beauty to this special moment. You don`t buy a ring everyday. With this thought in mind we have presented further on 21 DIY Ring Boxes Projects that you can do and use in the comfort of your own home. Some easy, some are really hard to realize. It is up to you to decide how much time, money and dedication is worth investing in this moment, in this gift and statement.

Your lady, your mother or daughter, your loved one regardless of color,age and sex is probably one of the few reasons for which you smile everyday. For these individuals that find and ignite the joy and happiness is worth pushing every boundary, pursuing every goal, giving up everything. Life is pulsatory, everything is repetitive, circular, in a permanent movement and engaged dynamic from which we barely get our heads out from time to time. Stop for a moment, take a breath, make something different. We all know the red heart shaped soft ring boxes that we get free or for a small fee at a ring purchase. Stop being simple, stop being part of the crowd for a moment, differentiate yourself with something original and memorable.
The images and designs showcased below are just fuel for your creativity, they are here to feed your imagination, as a seed for your creativity. Feel free to experiment and contact us with your result, we would be delighted to add your idea in this small guide.
Romantic Small Wooden Log With a Carved Compartment
DIY Ring Bearer in Wood With Pillows
Baroque Jewelry Box Sheltering A Ring
White Wooden Box Sheltering A Pair
Realistic DIY Ring Box Resembling a Police Box
Walnut DIY Ring Box-Natural Splendour in Natural Shape
DIY Macaron Ring Box With Shabby Chic Apparel
DIY Wooden Ring Box With a Scandinavian Design
DIY Wooden Ring Box With Extremely Sensible Details
DIY Nut Ring or Jewelry Box
Small Book Sheltering an Unforgetable Story
Carved Log Transformed Into an Original Ring Box
Simple Divided Box Sheltering Jewelry or a Pair of Rings
Vintage Ring Boxes in White and Pink
Normal Sized Book Sheltering Jewelry
Leather Heart Shaped Vintage Looking Box
Wooden Circular Box With Interior Markings
Extremely Creative Simple Cardboard Boxes
DIY Wooden Ring High End Design Realized on a CNC Machine
What do you think about these DIY Ring Boxes? Would you devote time to such a project? We would love to hear your opinion in the comment section below.