We live in a society addicted to technology and its perks. Everything seem to get smarter with each passing day from computers to cars, cellphones, you name it, there is a gadget out there that can make your life easier.Most of the people surrounding us seem to spend more and more money on technology but as hard as you try you can't keep u with the innovations.

Today we have focused on iPhones, because, let's face it, almost everyone seems to own one. In particular, we have gathered a collection of DIY iPhone Case Ideas you might find appealing. Maybe you just want to give that old transparent case a new look and design it your own way, with every single detail in place. The ideas featured bellow take usage of the transparent case and dress it up with colored paper placed under it or photos of your loved ones, or others just apply studs and other accessories to a simple plastic case. We especially love the wooden carved case which you can design yourself if you have some Illustrator skills and carve it at a professional shop.
All the ideas are meant to give your case a new look and have a meaning behind the design you create on your own. You can even try to draw on a white plastic case with colored sharpies if you feel you are up to the task. Just be creative and if you choose to make a DIY iPhone Case, make one that represents who you re and what you like. Then the effort would have payed off.
So what do you think? Are DIY iPhone Cases a good idea? Or you just like to buy the ones the stores have to offer? We would love to hear your opinions in the comment section below.