Halloween is literally, just around the corner, so that means carving pumpkins, trick or treating, candles, candles and terrifying costumes and decorations. And in that spirit we present you a simple yet creative DIY project meant to terrify your guest in that spooky night and bring a little light and terror to your home. Your little ones will be ecstatic to help you in the process of making the DIY glow in the dark pumpkins and they will definitely want to decorate them themselves in the funniest and creepiest way possible. The steps in making these Halloween decorations are pretty simple.

You will require glow in the dark paint in different colors ( the Tulip paint does the trick), several pumpkins of different sizes and shapes, natural or plastic ones( the plastic ones resist longer) and some free time. It takes literally next to nothing and the results are instant. Just paint the pumpkins however you wish, with geometric shapes or funny/ creepy faces, spider webs, spiders, place them under the sunlight for the paint to charge and at night voila! Glow in the dark pumpkins that you can then place around the house, on the porch and garden to greet your trick or treaters, or incorporate them into glowing driveway themes or Halloween garden decor for a full spooky outdoor setup or hide them in closets and corners to spook your family on the Halloween night. Remember to buy white pumpkins because they reflect the light better and to leave the decorations to charge so they will lit and terrify you at night. Enjoy the process!
Happy Halloween!
Make several glow in the dark decorations to match you pumpkins.
Remember to charge the pumpkins during the day.
You can use all sorts paint colors so the decor will look pretty during the day as well.
Decorate the pumpkins however you please with dripping line or simple colorful dots.
The end result will definitely surprise you and enchant the little ones.
Photo courtesy to: Ilovetocreate.com