Keeping your little ones happy is a full time job. And our busy lives keep us away from them for quite a lot of time. Thus we have thought of methods and ideas on how to keep them entertained and excited all day long whilst you are away. We have gathered a collection of 24 Creative DIY Cardboard Houses we have found fun and quite easy to replicate. Because even adults love a good playhouse. Designing and creating one for your kid is the perfect opportunity to express that long time desire of having your own cardboard box you did not get the chance to have as a child. And with the warm and beautiful spring season at our door, there is no better time than now to start one of these creative DIY projects. We hope you'll enjoy these creative DIY projects and feel free to express you thoughts in the comment section below.

Creative DIY Cardboard Houses
1. Fairy tale white and pink cardboard house
2. Colorful taped cardboard boxes
3. Rock it house
Source rocket!
4. Patching cardboard with tape
Source popsugar
5. Bold contrasts
Source artsycraftsymom
6. Like a cookie
7. Build a castle
Source impressedinc
8. Using cardboard rolls
Source declutterorganizerepurpose
9. Cut stars on the ceiling
10. Mimicking a traditional simple house
Source charcoalandcrayons
11. Install one in the backyard
Source apartmenttherapy
12. Add textures and string lights
Source dcoracao
13. Using one simple cardboard box
Source momsdailyadventures
14. Integrate it in your kid's room
Source mia-kinoko
15.Cartoonist cardboard box
Source piccolinadesignsandplay
16. Add details to really set the mood
Source thehousethatlarsbuilt
17. Adding lights for depth
Source hutchstudio
18. Spring colors found on a cardboard house
Source Agirlandagluegun
19. Easy assembling
Source projectlittlesmithj
20. Join boxes with fluorescent tape
21. Architectural unusual cardboard house
Source supercolossal
22. Go along with their games
Source decorareciclaimagina
23. Build a complex geometric form
Source hannahandlily
24. Build a house for the pets as well
Source rustandsunshine
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