Origami is a form of art with Japanese roots that calls to action every artist in each of us. By simply folding a few sheets of paper with caution you can create magnificent tools that will fuel your creativity beyond limits. Further on you will be witness to a detailed guide on how to create a colorful rainbow DIY crane curtain that can transform your interior in an unspeakable manner.
![Guide on How to Create a Colorful Rainbow DIY Crane Curtain [Video+Detailed Instructions] Guide on How to Create a Colorful Rainbow DIY Crane Curtain Video Detailed Instructions](https://homesthetics.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Guide-on-How-to-Create-a-Colorful-Rainbow-DIY-Crane-Curtain-Video-Detailed-Instructions.jpg)
Whether you plan to give your office studio a really unique asset, use it to decor your childs room or simply have a family DIY project for the living room, we invite you to consider this unique magnificent design idea. Imagine how colorful, transient and ephemeral can become the kitchen-dining room, hall -living room, hall-office transition wall if it would be to be boosted by such a creation.
We are going to start by explaining a detailed image in 19 steps that describes the process meant to aid you in creating the multitude of cranes needed for the project.
Step 1
Simply start with a standard sheet of paper from which you cut a square. Next, fold the square in half on diagonal.
Step 2
Fold in half from right to left diagonally again.
Step 3
Now just spread the pocket out from the inside and fold to make a small square.
Step 4
Your paper should look similar to this now. Turn it over and proceed to step five.
Step 5
Fold Point B onto Point A, while at the same time folding the paper crease inward so that point C is touching point D.
Step 6
Step 6 is really the tricky part. Fold the left and right corners toward the center line along the red valley line and next fold the top corner along the blue valley line.
Step 7
Please not that the fold from step 6 has been realized only to create a certain creases. Your paper should look like this now.
Step 8
Next, open the pocket by pulling the bottom corner up and fold inward along the crease. Some creases might become inverted.
Step 9
The figure should now look like this. Be careful to score the edges and corners clearly, this will aid you. Now turn the paper over and repeat Step 6, 7 and 8.
Step 10
Fold in the lower flaps made in step 9 . Now you have the base already. You are already at the half of the road and the rest is an extremely easy downhill. Proceed!
Step 11
Make sure that you have the right side up and valley fold on the dotted lines by using the top layer only.
Step 12
After step 11 the figure should look like this. Now just turn over.
Step 13
Just repeat step 11 here. Do not give up,a piece of your curtain is almost done.
Step 14
Simply reverse fold at the dotted line to form the head now.
Step 15
Slightly and carefully open the side up and bring the head part up as shown .
Step 16
Bring up at this point and press down. Do the same to form the tail on the other side.
Step 17
Reverse fold at dotted lines to form the beak. You can customize the length of the beak.
Step 18
Bend the winds down into the desired position. You can bow in from the bottom.
Step 19
Congratulations! You have learned how to make an origami crane successfully. You are a doer and we are proud to have you as a reader! It has been an extraordinary process. Now all you have to do is to repeat over and over, you will eventually learn to do it without the guide.
Choose the color/s that you want to be included in your DIY Crane Curtain, purchase the colored paper, think about the density of cranes used and about how much you will have to work for it. It is not easy, you should have at least 80-100 of these to create a graphic diy crane curtain, some might settle for less. Create an origami day at work and ask everyone to relieve their stress into a dozen of these creations, same tactic can be applied in the family meeting as well, it is a great bonding opportunity .
Take note that even if we have chosen highly colorful ensembles/curtains for this short guide, pastellate colors, black and white, shades of gray or simply and brilliantly recycled magazine, papers, envelopes and so on can make a great job. The last three paper sources would also come free in most cases so they are worth considering.
It all depends on your design line, the desired end result effect and design taste in general. You should not dodge this amazing project just because you do not like the color, keep an open mind and get creative, there are no excuses for not being extraordinary.
Below we will attach two more step by step images that can help you create paper cranes in a different manner .
Below a fourth explanatory image has been showcased. Please note that the crane in the guide below is far easier to realize but a little less graphic so make sure you know what you are getting into. You don't want to create 100 cranes of this kind and be disappointed by the result.
To help and encourage you even further on creating your origami master piece we have showcased below a video that helped us create our own little cranes. We invite to watch and follow the thorough explanation provided.