In this brief tutorial one will learn how to draw two of the world's most beautiful elements : the butterfly and the flower. Colorful, vivid and full of joy in sculpted shapes, the tutorial "Learn How to Draw a Butterfly on a Flower" is the third part of our Cool Things to Draw Collection. We strongly encourage you to cast a glance on the whole series if you are interested in drawing and sketching. The tutorial on how to draw a flower and how to draw a butterfly as well as some interesting things about the butterflies, after the break.

Drawing can be highly educative and it could play an important role in the development of the little one as the act itself boosts physical and cognitive development whilst encouraging social interaction, creativity, autonomy and confidence. Use fun facts about butterflies to raise the interest of the little one, these facts cover multiple points varying from their life-cycles to their diet to keep things interesting, cast a glance below.
Check out our range of fun butterfly facts for kids. Learn about the life-cycle of butterflies, their wings, what they eat and much more. Read on and enjoy a variety of interesting information.
- Butterflies are insects and their life-cycle is split in four parts as they evolve from egg to larva - caterpillars to pupa - chrysalis to the butterfly adult status.
- The butterflies have their own special glues with which they stick their eggs to leaves
- Most caterpillars consume plants, they`re herbivores.
- Mature, fully grown caterpillars find a suitable twig or leaf that they like before shedding the outside layer of skin to reveal a hard skin also known as chrysalis.
- From a chrysalis an adult butterfly will eventually emerge; it will wait for a few hours for its wings to be filled with blood and dry properly before taking the first flight.
- In the adult stage a petite butterfly can live from a week to a year, depending on the species.
- The butterflies has four wings, four colorful wings with unique patterns realized from tiny tiny scales.
- Butterflies feed on the flower`s nectar.
- The feet of a butterfly contain taste receptors.
- The exact number of butterfly species is unknown yet scientists estimate somewhere in between 15000 and 20000.
- Bird-wing butterflies have larger, angular wings and are known to fly in a similar way to birds.
- The Monarch butterfly is known for its long migration, traveling a great distance that sometimes exceeds 4000 km. The female will lay eggs once it reaches the destination and a new generation of monarchs will travel back to complete the circle.
Learn How to Draw a Butterfly on a Flower
STEP 1 - draw axes and sketch the first volumes
An ellipse and one offset on two axes will shape the beginning of the flower where two ovals will form the wings towards us, these will be backed by two offsets to form the third and fourth wing.
STEP 2 - draw an additional ellipse and split it
The new part will be naturally sectioned into smaller pieces only to form the petal further on.
STEP 3 - shape the flower petals
Once the petals are shaped, the flower awaits the butterfly to shine, its sculptural presence being very close to perfection.
STEP 4 - erase the flower construction lines and give attention to butterflies
The construction lines will disappear to surface your epic flower drawing. The butterfly can receive its petite beautiful body and with new construction axes additional butterflies drawn in two dimensions will join our drawing.
STEP 5 - detailing butterflies
Get creative with the new axes and shape the butterfly creatively, differently, showcase diversity at different scales. The construction lines of the first butterfly are now gone.
STEP 6 - shaping wings
We have now drawn the bodies of the new butterflies and each butterfly received a different set of wings. The most sculptural presence is naturally the butterfly drawing in three dimensions.
STEP 7 - detailing the drawing - create a context by drawing more flowers
All the construction lines have been erased and to emphasize the drawing various flowers have been added, once again all the flowers are different to highlight the naturalness of the natural environment.
STEP 8 - intricate flowers and butterfly wings
To complete the drawing, patterns are required on the wings of the butterflies, these will define them from various other insects, these will give them authenticity and sheer beauty in their habitat now enhanced by more vegetation. Be creative, use different shapes and whatever motif crosses your mind. Do your best to make each butterfly different and have fun in the process.
STEP 9 - add color
A butterfly without color would not be complete. Pick your wildest colors and complete your drawing.
What do you think about the exemplary butterflies above? We would love to see your butterfly drawing in the comment section below.
This feature is part of the "Things to Draw" Collection of drawings realized by Homesthetics Magazine in partnership with Designaissance Studio. The contents of the tutorial are copyright protected as it is the collection itself; if you are interested on sharing the drawings on your website or magazine please contact the magazine. Feel free to print or share the page for educative purposes as this is the definitory purpose of our mission with this collection.