Starting around 1725 in Europe, gilded papier-mâché began to appear as a low-cost alternative to similarly treated plaster or carved wood in architecture. Henry Clay of Birmingham, England, patented a process for treating laminated sheets of paper with linseed oil to produce waterproof panels in 1772. These sheets were used for building coach door panels, amongst other structural uses. Theodore Jennens patented a process in 1847 for steaming and pressing these laminated sheets into various shapes, which were then used to manufacture trays, chair backs, and structural panels, usually laid over a wood or metal armature for strength. The papier-mâché was smoothed and lacquered, or finished with a pearl shell finish."

Today's pick evolves the art and craft of paper mache and the wonderful designs this technique can offer. Used to generate beautiful accessories and decorations, the process is one of dedication and sustained work with creative and delicate end results. We have compiled a collection of 30 Crafty Paper Mache Projects You Can Try For Yourself this spring. Enjoy and feel free to share your thoughts and ideas in the comment section below.
1. Seedling pots from Kids Chaos
2. Colorful Play Village from Joyful Mama's Place
3. Paper mache letters from Apex
4. Pencils with a twist from Tiny Rotten Peanuts
5. Yarn bowl accent from Home Work
6. Hanging nests from Daily Fix via Poppytalk
7. Hanging lantern from Gartenzauber
8. Giant decorative "rocks" from My Lady of Gourds
9. Scrap fabric bowl from Bread & Buttons
10. Confetti bowl from Home Work
11. Faux cactus garden from Design Sponge
12. Gold decorative bowls from Kelli Murray
13. Heart ornaments from Paper Moss
14. Bracelets via Hub Pages
15. Leaf bowl from Hello, Lucky!
16. Doily lampshade from 365 Days of Crafts
17. Christmas balls from Blue Cricket Designs
18. Dinosaur egg gift bags via Catch My Party
19. Modern paper mache lamp from Curbly
20. Radiate Beauty Heart is available here
21. Delicate lamp from Papier a etres
22. Hot air balloons here
23. Cat sculptures found on Flickr
24. Paper lamps
25. Animal heads from lilblueboo
26. Paper heart lamp
27. Hearts in glass from Flickr
28. DIY Paper bowl from Made in pretoria
29. Luminárias japonesas from Leroy Merlin Blog
30. Gold Planters from inredningsdesigne
What do you think about these crafty paper mache projects? Which project would you try first?
We would love to hear from you in the comment section below!