30 diy crafts filled with authenticity will follow after this short introduction. All of them exemplary though creativity and personality, all being the showcase of one household on one simple theme : DIY wind chimes.

You can use pretty much any mineral or metallic material in your household to create wind chimes and one of the most accessible one is found in glass bottles. Thanks to their shape, resilience and sound produced, glass bottles are one of the top choice resources for this craft; moreover their silhouette comes in handy offering you various design possibilities that can be translated to little to no effort. We have published diy glass bottle wind chime tutorial here and various others in the gallery below; pick your favorite and materialize it in your next DIY project.
#1 Airy Breezy Driftwood and Seashells Wind-chimes
#2 Wind Chimes Realized With Colorful Rocks and Metal Kitchen Items
#3 Driftwood Branch and Clay Pendants Wind Chime
Check Great Tutorial on Gardentherapy.ca
#4 Simple Colorful Pencil Wind-chime
#5 Repurpose Silverware Into a Neat Wind Chime
#6 Shabby Chic Wind Chime Realized With Rope Keys and Marbles
#7 Colorful Air Wind Chime
#8 Small Jellow Mold Combined With Glass Beads Charms and Charm Into a Wind Chime
#9 Gradient Realized in Sea Glass on a Driftwood Piece
#10 Bottle Cap Wind Chime Showcasing Your Collection
#11 Beautiful Hand Painted Bamboo Wall Art Wind Chime
#12 Cup and Cutlery Vintage Wind Chime
#13 Transparent Wine Glass Bottles and Aluminium Wire Assembling Wind Chime
#14 Metal Common Items DIY Wind Chime
#15 Colorful Branch Sheltering a Wind Chime
#16 Stained Glass Pieces Hanged on Copper Wire in Wind Chime
#17 Hand Painted Terracotta Flower Pot Wind-chime With Colored Wooden Spheres
#18 Sliced Glass Bottle Wind Chimes
#19 Sea Star and Shells in Beautiful Sea-Themed Wind Chime
#20 Metallic Bottle Caps and Spoon Used in Wind Chime
#21 Creative Whisk and Spoons DIY Craft
#22 Creative Fairy Tale Like DIY Tea Cup Wind Chime
#23 Kitchen Utensils Chandelier Doubling as Wind Chime
#24 Metal Chain Heart-Shaped DIY Wind Chime
#25 Old Beads and Jewelry on a Driftwood Piece
#26 Multiple Elements on an Old Kitchen Item
#27 Airy Retro Wind Chime DIY Project
#28 DIY Wine Bottle Wind Chime
#29 Incredible Sensible Corroded Heart Shaped Elements on a Wind Chime
#30 Old Key Wind Chime Design
#31 Colorful Tin Can Wind Chime Design
Simple ideas are defined by authenticity and creativity. You can add a special sound to your household with a wind chime. Design and craft your piece by up-cycling as many elements as possible in the process proudly.