Paper recycling is the easiest form of recycling and thanks to its texture, sensibility and unicity, paper is one of the most graphic materials in upcycling as well. Whether you stack piles for recycling or upcycled paper in little projects, you should never simply throw them away to a regular bin. Be the change that you want to see in the world and start by recycling a few piece of paper, you will feel better and you will certainly do the world a tremendous favor regardless of the quantity recycled or upcycled. Further on to encourage the small movement that we are trying to trigger we will showcase more than 30 DIY paper art designs that will enhance your decor with ease if materialized. These are of course just the tip of the iceberg and you should use them as a starting point in your endeavors.

Below we will link a few other interesting paper art articles that we think you'll find interesting, throw a look and let us know what do you think.
#1 Old Books Transformed Into Sculptural DIY Paper Art
#2 Colorize Your Home With Beautiful Paper Lanterns
#3 Add a Sculptural Geometric Piece on Your Blank Walls
#4 Make a Paper Garland
#5 Simple Colorful Hearts Hanged on a String Can Change Everything
#6 Origami Paper Composition Can Send Very Powerful Messages
#7 Light Meets and Enhances Paper Composition
#8 Origami Star Patterned Sheet of Paper
#9 Kirigami Display of Skill Showcased in a Wave
#10 Drop of Color on a Gray Mass
#11 Extraordinary Origami Piece Composed Out of Hundreds of Pieces
#12 Colorful Heart & Letters Realized Through The Quilling Paper Technique
#13 Graphic Geometric Christmas Tree
#14 Colorful Origami Lucky Paper Stars Composition
#15 Simple Purple Paper Butterflies Wall Art
#16 Flower Composition in Classic Interior Design
#17 Geometric Colorful Ensemble
#18 Extraordinary Colorful Origami Curtain
#19 Colorful Kirigami Koi Wall Art
#20 Breathtaking Vintage Composition Showcasing Paper Flowers
#21 Paper Medallions and Flowers in Superb Composition