The bathroom is the most relaxing room in our homes. A well designed bathroom can simple erase the stress gathered throughout the day and induce peace and tranquility. You have the power to create with little to no effort, in your own home, a calm, a soothing atmosphere animated by ambient light, pastel colors, wooden textures of various kinds and plants, all these being the ingredients of an extraordinarily successful recipe. 19 beautiful affordable decor ideas that will add the spa style to your bathroom have showcased below, we invite you to cast a glace at the gallery and notice how little efforts can have huge results into your design line.

Affordable Decor Ideas
1. Use Wooden Textures as Accents and Add Coziness and Warmth
via houzz.com
2. Use Reclaimed Wood to Build a Chic Bathtub Caddy
via yahoo.com
3. Create Low Shelves to Accommodate Candles and Towels
via hgtv.com
4. Create Homemade Bathroom Salts For Your Own Spa at Home
5. Use Floating Candles to Add Peace and Tranquility to Your Sanctuary
6. Materialize a Tiny Spa-Like Bench
via domesticdiehard.blogspot.com
7. Use Ikea`s Outdoor Decking Solutions to Build a Spa-like Bath Mat
Tutorial @ houseofhepworths.com
8. Wood Shelves Built Into the Wall
Source unknown.
9. Transform Your Bathtub Into a Pool
via houzz.com
10. Set the Ambient Right and The Results Will Be Extraordinary
11. Use Wooden Bathroom Floors
via cuded.com
12. Sculptural Shapes and Textures Carved Into Breathtaking Wooden Sinks
via improvenet.com
13. Soft White Towels at Your Grasp Nestled in Style
Tutorial @ the-whiterabbit.com
14. Add Greenery to Filter the Air and Beautify the Space
via theguardian.com
15. One Day a Week Go All the Way
Source unknown.
16. Create a Goodies Pack
via pinterest.com
17. One Little Wooden Bench Can Change the Scenery Through Storage and Texture
via ana-white.com
18. Pebble Candles Surprising Through Texture and Shape
via harabuhouse.com
19. Add Outdoor Wooden Floor to Your Shower Floor
via typeinteriors.com
The gallery above showcases rapid solutions able to change various design lines with little to no effort. We would love to hear your opinion on the matter and hear how you would intervene in your bathroom with small little acts able to make a change.