Design and permanent development. These are two things that are permanently shaping our worlds, changing every aspect of our life, constraining us to constantly adapt to change or be left behind. In progress, the cultural sphere that contains arts and product design for niches rarely sees the light, items produced for the masses taking the reflector light from the first glance. Below we have featured 26 genius concept items that sadly have never passed the concept phase, even though, for certain people, they would have been extremely useful, creative and natural.

What do you think about them? Which of the items and ideas showcased would be useful to you ?
New Product Ideas That Don't Exist Yet
1.Edible Jell-O Squishable Cups
These are made from "agar agar". That means that they can be thrown in the grass after use and they will decompose and act as a nurturing agent for plantlife. Your next backyard entertaining event should be more productive than expected with these recipients.
2. Towel Dryer That Disinfects Towels With UV Light
This will refresh your towels and avoid any funny smell.
Designed by puredesign.
Shoes Able To Transform To a Temporary Mobile Shelter at Need
This will simplify the life of camping enthusiasts in the warm seasons.
By design collective Sibling
4. Water Sterilizer For Fresh Foods
This concept uses electrolysis to destroy harmful bacteria in fruits, veggies, kitchen appliances, chew toys and baby bottles, all without chemical detergents, ensuring a clean and safe end result.
Designed by Sang Keun Sim
5. Foam Chair With Memory
>It has been entitled the Bounce Chair by Véronique Baer.
6. Transparent Stapler
This must be invented, how useful it would be to actually see the place and hole that will be discarded.
Designed by Kisang Yoon and Kyubok Lee.
7. Colorful Toybox That Devours Toys
This item would also encourage the child to pick up their toys and deposit it somewhere, the box also rolls so they can ride and pick up the toys in their path.
Designed by Tzung-Yu Lu.
8. Chair Design Through “Pages”
Creatively colorful and comfortable, this chair has been inspired by a book and its pages. It allows the individual to adjust the seat height and backrest cushion by simply turning the colorful pages.
9. Chalkboard Trolling Gadget Converting Chalk Dust to Sticks of Chalk.
Designed by Yonggu Do and Eunha Seo.
10. Simple Design That Catches All the Drips of a Coffee Cup
Designed by Kim Keun Ae
11. Dog Toy Doubling as a Very Effective Toothbrush
Entitled Brush n’ Play, by Yunfan Tan. It is creative and useful, solving two problems with one item. Brushing the teeth of your dog indirectly whilst keeping your dog happy.
12. Boot Solutions For Shorter People
These will aid you in washing your car, installing the christmas decorations or cutting the branches of a tree.
Get more info on Quirky.
13. Bath Stones That Maintain Water Warm in the Bathtub
Designed by Sunmi Hwang, Hyunjoo-Lee & Jiwon-Seok.
14.A hamper/washer/dryer In One Item
This emphasizes small apartments and small bathroom designs through functionality.
Designed by Guopeng Liang.
15. A Date Stampler
This would theoretically help a whole lot, allowing you to organize your files with ease through a simple rapid date.
Designed by Gonglue Jiang.
16. Scalable Power Strip
17. A Highlighter That Fades After a Few Months
Donate or sell your books whilst allowing the new owner to use it as new.
18. The Safe Trek App
Extremely vital to security this app is. You basically turn on the application if you fell unsafe at a certain point during your trip. Once you have arrived at a safe location you enter a code. If the code is not inserted after a certain time or if your finger leaves the screen without entering the code, the law enforcement will be notified immediately, allowing them to track your location and trip since the button has been pressed.
Designed by Frederico Cardoso.
19. Genius Concept Items- Sticky Flat Extension Cord
This extension cord will be seamlessly installed in your home, underneath your rugs.
Designed by Chen Ju Wei.
20. Floor Plan Light Switch With Your Exact Room Layout
This gadget lights up and tells you where in the home the lights have been left on and with the simple press of a button. You can also shut them off remotely through and app and the custom made design will allow you to turn them off manually with more ease as well.
Designed by Taewon Hwang.
21. Printer Tanning Paper With Solar Energy Instead of Using Ink Cartridges
Design by Hosung Jung, Junsang Kim, Seungin Lee & Yonggu Do.
22. Roomba 2.0: “Jell” Balls Robots Cleaning Your Homes
Extremely high tech balls dispersing cleaning agents through our your home and returning to base after they are done. Extremely fascinating concept.
Designed by Juan Lee.
23. Electromagnetic Dumbbells That Can Adopt Their Weight Automatically
By simply adapting the level of electric power that flows through them you can adapt their weight . One set can range from 3 kg to a stunning 24 kg.
Designed by Suhyun Yoo, Hongseok Kim and Juhyeon Lee.
24. Genius Concept Items- Levitating Cloud Shaped Sofa
The most luxurious way to nap and relax. A giant magnet maintains the sofa at a certain height, levitating in your own home, at your disposal.
Designed by David Koo and Zheng Yawei.
25. Circular Shower Able To Shoot From Any Angle
Designed by Idiha Design.
26. Coffee Maker That Serves The Coffee Your Way After Validating Your Identity Through a Handprint Recognition
Designed by WenYao Cai.
What do you think about these genius concept items? Are they worth inventing? We would love to hear your opinion in the comment section below.