Aspiring to create your very own indie game? But having trouble picking the right game-designing platform to do it on?

Then let us help you out a bit with that today.
When it comes to game designing software, Godot is going to be one of the very best in the current market. From supporting a wide variety of tools to boasting user-friendly and versatile coding features, it offers way more than most of its competitors.
However, Godot can feel a bit complicated to the newer user. And so if you are having trouble grasping some of the basic concepts of this platform, then we have just the perfect article for you.
Today we bring you a list of some of the best video tutorials on Godot, which are bound to help you get comfortable with the platform in almost no time.
So just sit back and read along.
2D and 3D Game Design Godot Tutorials
The Platform Game Tutorial on 2D and 3D game designing from HeartBeast is one of the more detailed YouTube videos out there on mastering the platform.
It runs for about 27 minutes, and in that time span, the video will try and teach you the very basics of Godot and also guide you through making a very basic platformer game from scratch.
Now, HeartBeast as a YouTube channel is a treasure chest of some of the most incredible and easy-to-follow game development guides this video about Godot for beginners takes the spotlight because of how effective it is at teaching the amateur about the platform.
The video is very conveniently divided into two sections so that it’s easier to grasp. One section deals with coding while the other lays great stress on the importance of design work and how to incorporate them into the game.
However, design work will need some custom game assets beforehand for it to work. If you already have a nice collection of them or know some amazing websites which house some excellent 2D and 3D game assets and sprites, then you’re all set.
But make sure that you have some basic scripting knowledge before diving headfirst into the tutorial.
When it comes to Godot tutorials for the Windows OS, there are not many videos that are as effective as this getting started guide.
This video will help you get a jump start right away and teach you about the entire Godot basics from start to finish.
Although the Godot setup and basic tool use is quite similar to that of Mac and Linux, there are still some minor features here and there which differ, and can get quite complicated for newer users.
This guide is just amazing when it comes to helping amateur developers have a better grasp of the various aspects of Godot 3 and even help them with making some demo projects and teaching them to learn as they experiment with the various tools.
The main webpage of the YouTuber has a lot of demos that are up for grabs. You can download them and see how the creator went about making this side-scroller game and how to incorporate the various game assets into the program.
Moreover, these demos will also allow you to have free access to some great coding samples, to study and learn from.
In Godot or in any other game designing software out there 3D model and environment making are significantly more difficult than their 2D counterparts. This fact is especially true for side scroller games, and there are a lot of things that one needs to keep in mind before venturing into making their first 3D project.
Needless to say, it can indeed be quite daunting for the newer users or even some more adept ones to get a complete and proper understanding of this aspect of the platform.
And that is precisely where this video tutorial comes in. It’s specially designed to get you started with a free guide on making a very easy game based on golf physics and very easy gameplay and design mechanics.
In the tutorial, you will learn to take a bunch of different objects and shapes and move them around in the virtual world.
Jeremy Bullock, the instructor, has an amazing tutoring style, which is quite easy to follow, and even if you have a minimal background in game design, you will still not find this tutorial to be all that complicated.
The GDquest youtube channel is a rockstar in the animation and game-designing world. From housing some of the most amazing tutorials on the use of FireAlpaca and Krita, it also has quite a number of incredible guides on video game design along with character creation.
The Introduction to Tileset video from them is a basic introduction for amateurs in the use of tilesets in Godot. Tilesets are one of the most important aspects of world creation in both ‘top-down’ as well as ‘side-scroller’ games.
Hence, having a complete grasp of them is essential, to say the least. And this video will help you to get acquainted with all the basics of tilesets use in Godot.
The video also provides links to the main webpage which houses a lot of the premade tilesets, so you will have some graphics ready to use for your project at a moment's notice.
For just an 8-minute long video, this one is amazingly detailed and covers more than just the basics, and goes into some of the more advanced 2D tileset features as well.
However, this is not the only Godot tutorial in the channel; you can check out some of the others as well.
Remember those childhood days (depending on when and where you were born) when the first generation of Pokémon games came out for the Nintendo and Game Boy?
That was a rather exciting time for the world of video gaming, wasn’t it?
Well, you can also create a similar game like FireRed and LeafGreen too, and Stein Codes in this video will tell you exactly how.
Games then were all pixel art, sprites, and basic game assets, and the video will teach you exactly how to replicate the various game elements from those early Pokémon games and incorporate them into your very own project.
You will learn how to precisely create the overworld sprites from Pokémon characters as well as how to create a fluid movement around the various objects in the game. The video will help you to try your own hand at making a game reminiscent of those initial Nintendo titles.
So if you’re aspiring to create something like Chrono Trigger, Final Fantasy, or just your very own bootleg Pokémon or Digimon game this video is a must-watch.
However, this one is just the first part of a longer series that is yet to be uploaded by the creator, so do follow the channel for his upcoming content.
This is again a very practical Godot tutorial guide from GDquest and deals mostly with the creation of base character models both in 2D and 3D rendering qualities.
One great thing about this tutorial is that though it comes from GDquest’s more premium library, it's free access, and download.
The tutorial dives right into the topic of character creation but doesn’t deal with the modeling aspect of it alone. It also teaches about character movement and how to navigate the game assets around to best fit the environment.
Additionally, with this video and the associated GDquest course, you will have a premade graphics and scene setup, which you can use to learn how character modeling and movement actually work.
However, in terms of the complete coding algorithm, GDquest doesn’t go into too much detail about it in the video. As it’s a free preview, GDquest has kept the coding tutorials for the premium library which you will have to pay for on their Gumroad website.
But for beginners, this video is more than enough to get them started, and then they can opt into their more premium content if they like their tutoring style.
Now, this amazingly detailed game design tutorial from Jeremy Bullock is suited more for adept Godot users who have a nice idea about coding and are intermediate coders themselves.
This tutorial is a multi-part video that covers some of the basic aspects of first-person control features. All of the code that goes behind making the game present on the tutorial is available for free on GitHub, so if you want to take a final look at the game yourself, then you can access it whenever you want.
The tutorial combines a great deal of 3D knowledge for setting up the scene, as well as the camera along with the controller and certain movements like climbing the stairs and walking forward.
However, even though we are recommending this tutorial for the more advanced Godot users, that doesn’t necessarily mean that the newer designers will not benefit from it.
The video is very easy to follow, and Jeremy Bullock does a great job in step-by-step showing all the various things that one can do with this amazing game-designing platform.
So even if you’re not all that good with Godot yet, give this video a watch.
This tutorial from Stein Codes is much more useful for intermediate Godot users than the newer beginners who are yet not completely familiar with the platform.
Godot contains some of the most versatile range of shader types, which, when used efficiently, can be the difference between a good game design and a great game design.
Now, in the video, Stein teaches how to create a complete side-scrolling game from scratch with the help of just shaders. He takes the existing shading options present in the software and spins them into something amazing.
Moreover, the Godot shading language that Stein uses in the tutorial is up for grabs for anyone who is trying to replicate what he exactly did, or even to study coding in itself. The code comes as a part of the tutorial, and beginner Godot users can take a look at the code and get an idea as to what is possible with this amazing platform and what isn’t.
Some parts of the tutorial might look rather complicated to even some adept Godot users, as Stein goes into a lot of detail, but it’s important to tackle this subject a bit at a time.
It seems like GDquest has done a tutorial on almost everything now, doesn’t it? Well, it’s not all that surprising when considering the fact that there is a vast community of professional game designers who’re behind the making and content of this channel.
However, unlike some of their other tutorial videos which deal with particular designing aspects in Godot 3, this one is created solely on Godot 2.
There are some interface changes between the two models and versions, but all in all, in terms of functionality and the things that you can do with them, they are quite similar. Hence, you’re not going to have too much problem implementing all those lessons in Godot 3 itself.
Coding horizontal movement for your characters and in-game sprites is one of the easiest things to do on Godot. But there are some beginners out there who are having some trouble grasping the basics of horizontal movement, and for them, this video tutorial is a must-watch.
However, even though achieving the whole movement is easy, there are certain aspects of this that are a bit lengthy and complicated. And this video does an excellent job of not just covering the basics but complex scripting issues as well.
Making 3D games, even just basic side-scrolling ones is so much harder than making their 2D counterpart.
Hence, this particular topic does tend to deserve more care and minute attention than some other parts and features of Godot.
Now, as this video from Mr. Jed doesn’t go too much into the scripting process of making 3D games, you can search online for a few free-to-download codes to work with this tutorial and help you out with the learning process.
This video teaches you how exactly cameras and angling work in a 3D platformer. In just 12 minutes the YouTuber talk about the camera rig in Godot 3D and how one can efficiently go about to set up a rig which apart from being fully expandable is easy to manage as well.
However, though the video can be very educational for beginners, we would still recommend it for those who are a bit comfortable with the basics of creating new files for a game in Godot.
Having a pre-existing idea of how to set up a 3D world helps as well. For only when you’re comfortable with the basics can you move on to camera work?
The Game Interface from Scratch is the final tutorial mentioned on our list; it’s also the longest one and comes yet again from GDquest.
Now, a game interface is the first thing that attracts the gamer and is one of the most integral parts of gameplay that allows it to be accessible to a wider audience.
Most games, follow a very similar gameplay interface trope, from having a health bar for indicating the total HP, to showing a separate bar just below for the available mana, SP, or even the number of lives that the player is left with.
So, this amazingly detailed 30-minute video will show you exactly how to design a custom game interface all within Godot.
However, the video will be using some preexisting graphics for the coding aspect, so if you have some already in your library, feel free to use them as you go along implementing the lesson.
But, if you don’t have any sort of graphics with you; the video provides a link from where you can download them for free and use them accordingly.
The guide touches upon some of the most basic aspects of interface design, which are incredibly important for those who are learning how to develop their very own indie game.
Final Thoughts
With so many versatile and user-friendly tools to work with, it’s honestly not surprising why Godot has been such a fan favorite for so long. So, we hope that our list today was able to help you out with using this amazing game-designing platform.
Till next time!
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