Finding mundane items that can be used in creative DIY projects has become a challenge for us at Homesthetics, one we are happy and excited to take on everyday. Creativity plays a vital role in this quest, a quest the infinite DIY community offers the resources to respond to.Today we have chosen coat hangers as central pieces in re-purposing projects. Some are creative, others unique in approach and style, others very effective and efficient. The key that bonds them all together is simplicity and a clear purpose they all succeed in achieving. Cast a glance at the selection below and feel free to complete the collection with your own personal interpretations of the mundane plain coat hanger.

coat hangers will serve as newspapers and magazine holders
Rather than staking old newspapers and magazines in a corner for the dust to settle why not take the unconventional approach and place them on a coat hanger within your reach? Maybe this way you will be more encouraged to finish a reading before stepping to the next glossy cover.
Photo via: creatistic.net
display your sunglasses collection in an unconventional style
We all tend to overbuy items and staking them in a corner of a drawer only manages to encourage this direction. Display your collection in plain sight in a simple elegant manner as a reminder of all your great pieces you already own.
Photo via: sfgirlbybay.com
organizing your ribbon collection
Keeping the crafting corner clean and organized is a difficult task. Use a coat hanger to finally stack those ribbons you usually misplace around the house.
Photo via: happilyevercrafter.org
pose your JEWELRY collection from a coat hanger
Take the option of using a coat hanger to store all your bracelets and necklaces without constantly tangling them.
use a different approach to a coat hanger
If you are feeling creative, adapt plain coat hangers and a driftwood piece into an elegant one of a kind piece for your hallway.
Photo via: alittleglassbox.com
mixing wooden coat hangers to form a dishwasher
Wood and water don't always get along but you must admit the creation above is very beuatiful in its simplicity.
Photo via: instructables.com
for the innovative mind coat hangers can form chandeliers
For the out of the box thinker, hangers can become chandeliers in mesmerizing compositions.
Photo via: inhabitat.com
an unique designer piece featuring coat hangers
If the designer in you feels the need to take things to a different level, coat hangers are an option to consider.
Photo via: carepackdigital.com
Why wouldn't you store fruit in a bowl made from hangers?
Photo via: blog.bang.vn
STORING your FLIP FLOPs in an efficient way
Flip flops and sandals and flats are difficult to store in small spaces, use coat hangers efficient and save up some extra space.
Photo via: epbot.com
hanging a picture on the wall has a new meaning
A delicate beautiful manner of displaying a beloved memory on your blank wall.
Photo via: organizedclutter.net
a “DEER” HANGER can become an useful insertion as well as a design piece
Invest time in interpreting plain pieces into design appealing creations that serve a purpose as well.
Photo via: refabdiaries.com
adorn your bathroom with unconventional TOWEL RACKs
Become efficient and store your bathroom towels differently.
Photo via: kinassauerstyle.com
display your kid's WALL ART with coat hangers
Simple and beautiful in contrast and form.
Photo via: oldbrandnewblog.com
stack coat hangers to form SHOE RACKs
With a little bit of imagination DIY projects can go a long way.
Photo via: eslamoda.com
Have you ever considered re-purposing something as plain as a coat hanger? Feel free to express your ideas in the comment section below.