One's mailbox is one of the first contacts with the household, being in the front yard, in an accessible area for the postman, it often enters the perspective of the pedestrian walking along; in some cases, the mailbox itself is the only item that connects you with the outside world, reason for which, cool mailboxes are carrying an immense responsibility, they`re meant to connect buildings with the pedestrians, with the road, they`re meant to function as small landmarks for households, and more importantly, businesses; in some cases they facilitate mailbox correspondence too.

Get inspired by simple elements, mark your mailbox with something that you like or find relevant to your business or household, there are no good reasons to overlook your mailbox design and it doesn`t necessarily have to be part of the "cool mailboxes" yet one ought to ensure is the right color, the right position and that it has all the important information labelled so it can be easier on you and your postman. It is worth mentioning that one should never go as far as making the mailbox itself unrecognizable, it ought to read as a mailbox in the end, it ought to facilitate correspondence.
Cast a glance below and find something that you like, we would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section below.
Unusual and Cool Mailboxes For Your Home
1. sculptural elf inspired mailbox carried by a tree
Metal offers you infinite possibilities, numerous artists are trying to showcase their work in viable, view-able areas and the mailbox sure is such a place, start your own artwork and call your best friend to aid you, make a day of it; alternatively, commission a local artist, it is a win-win situation that beautifies the neighborhood, the world.
via imgur.com
2. Intimate chic minimalist mailbox
This wall mounted mailbox on the front porch is not necessarily a viable option if your home is not close to the road, this is a far more intimate and important position, if you consider this option think about your neighborhood and your relation with it.
via thedecorista.com
3. geeky computer shaped mailbox
A tech-savvy individual might see this as an super cool thing, it can be realized in mdf or hdf, it can use an actual computer or one can transform an old monitor with ease, just find the appropriate mailbox post and the rest is history.
via morganhomeaccents.com
4. happy blue human keeping your mail safe
A joyful mailbox can share smiles with your neighbors and passing pedestrians, something simple, positive, can change everything. Sculptural options like this mail carrier need no mailbox post and they're a joy to see.
via mailboxesandstuff.com
5. pallet box for your mail
Create a super simple and super inexpensive correspondence, wall mounted mailbox, add a few hooks that can also hold your key or jacket while you get your snickers on.
via Pinterest
6. small trellis and greenery supporting your mail
Greenery ought to be emphasized through all possible means and happily, the mailbox can be enhanced with a simple lattice or trellis meant to nestle climbing plants swiftly, here the mailbox post offers you the opportunity to grow your favorite climbing plants.
via pinterest.com
7. cool horse shaped mailbox
This mailbox requires no description, the proud stallion mail carrier can relate to your business, your passion. It is simple, elegant and can be the result of a relatively inexpensive DIY project, note that you can work more on a less obvious mailbox post if you go towards a metallic support.
via morganic.com
8. disguise your mailbox in your fences
If you mark the mailbox discreetly in your fence make sure that it is recognizable and can still function as a mailbox.
9. farm-truck inspired mailbox
An old wagon can be transformed to look like one of the first cars in the world or like a an old truck as your cool mailbox designates the engine on the front. It might take some time to carefully paint it and make it work but the result is definitely worth pursuing.
via flickr.com
10. carry your mailbox and address in style
A small landmark can be simple yet elegantly noticeable, it can wear your street number too and it will certainly boost your curb appeal. This is technically a wall mounted mailbox?
via undercoverdiyer.com
11. scrape flea markets in the search of incredible
Certain mailboxes can beautifully surprise, the size is not important nor is the format even though the one above is far more common between the vintage, beautiful decorated cool mailboxes. Flea markets often hide the extraordinary relics of the past like this wall mounted mailbox, discover them.
via flickr.com
12. TRANSFORM the simple shape in a cool TRAILER
The basic shape of the US mailbox makes the transformation above an easy project, a project definitely worth attempting with little ones, it can be an epic educative lesson.
via Pinterest
13. pursue a diy swan mailbox
The administration of your local park or the child`s kindergarten could definitely put a swan mailbox to good use, here too the shape of the basic US mailbox helps the craft itself.
via pinehill-woodcrafts.com
14. memories have no expiration date
A simple wall mounted mailbox is sometimes the best option, if you find the right one, stick with it, regardless of its current color, thickness of rust layers, put it to good use.
via texasescapes.com
15. up-cycle scrapyard elements into epicness
A multitude of elements surprise us, if you have the opportunity to assemble the ones that surprise you in something epic and significant for you, something that would speak about you, about your household to your loved ones, why wouldn`t you?
16. diy plane mailbox design
Little ones can be easily surprised with cool mailboxes but when the whole thing is easy read-able them for them too you are opening opportunities, you are showcasing creative options; by simply realizing the mailbox above as diy project you are revealing a whole new world, the realm of creativity. Needless to say that the more creative you get the more your home's curb appeal goes up especially in the eyes of the little ones.
via pinterest.com
17. safeguard your land & Advertise
A metal-worker that would like to advertise his workshop through a small installation can put a new spin on the mailbox, here the volume is still clearly recognizable and the ensemble will surely not be overlooked.
via reddit.com
18. pursue art in any endeavor, sculpt your mailbox
If you`re a sculptor yourself the idea above requires no description but if you are not already an artist that doesn`t mean you can`t pursue something different, something that would speak of your hobbies and artistic endeavors.
via funniez.net
19. beautiful, simple crab mailbox
It will be an extraordinary pick for your beach home or a sea resort, children will adore the little creature.
via yahoo
20. A WEIRD and cool presence welcoming you
A mayor could use the town mascot at the city hall, so can a school, an university. Make it fun, make it extraordinary.
via dumage.com
21. shape something fun, playful
The local theme Jurassic-themed Park could mark his presence easily on the road through a cool, colorful mailbox.
Source Unknown
22. mark your farm with a cow mailbox
A really creative mailbox and a really fun cow silhouette has been sculpted in the example above yet one could argue that the design is not easily recognizable as being a mailbox, this can be solved through some color accents.
via weheartit.com
23. praise nature with a tree trunk diy mailbox
A super simple and extraordinary graphic design for your mailbox nestled by natural components, mark it with a small red flag or notify your postman of its presence and you are good to go.
via superbanksf.org
24. invite art in the public space
Public spaces can beat the norm in terms of scale, they can accommodate super creative solutions that will often be the result of small public contests, if you have the chance always contribute or join the discussions as these impact you and the whole community around you.
via imgfave.com
25. expose your dark side early on
Your passion for various hobbies, shows, characters, can be exemplified on your mailbox, the example above uses black and white paint to present the dark side, simple and graphic
Source Unknown
26. have fun with your mailbox
Winter brings you cool options, you can embellish your mailbox in snow, you can sculpt anything around it through snow, call your friends and loved ones to help you and make a day of it.
via Pinterest
27. create a built-in mailbox filter
It is both funny and helpful, the postman can place commercials in spam and letters in the inbox, this doesn`t mean you should not check both but it saves you the hustle of filtering them yourself, in theory.
via Pinterest
28. mark possible dangers through a shape
The mailbox above seems to signal the low cables above it firsthand, the funny elements on the top give it a funny look too.
via Pinterest
29. tailor retro mailboxes inspired by good design
Designers are always surging inspiration from well established objects, elements of grand designs that have gained the "timeless" status. Above the `70s of the american cars have inspired a great retro collection of mailboxes. Find inspiration in things that you love.
via flickriver.com
30. sculpt a fast motorcycle mailbox
Your passion ought to drive your life, your action and naturally happy state of mind; happiness is in the little things.
via facebook
31. your mailbox can mark your activity
A golf coarse can mark its presence through numerous means.
via interestinglycoolstuff.blogspot.com
32. vintage presence, timeless design
Beauty has no age, beauty has no certain design language, this wall mounted mailbox above will be adored for eternity.
via archzine.fr
33. where nature prevailed, cherish its victory
It might look odd but it happened nonetheless, if you`ve bought an old property and this has been presented to you on site, take advantage, clean it up, paint it with great care, make the best of it.
Source Unknown
34. swim your way towards epic mails
A diving instruction center looking for a new mailbox? No matter, the internet always has an answer; it is not always the right one, but is an answer nonetheless.
Source Unknown
35. EMPLOY the road-runner to catch your FAST-MAIL
Nothing faster, nothing merrier.
36. sculpt an artistic installation with scraps
An epic artist installation can be simple, here old pipe scraps have assembled an epic gentleman, rust gave it the right age and it now beautifies the day of many while carrying the mail of those in need.
via flickr
37. veterans ought to design their own army inspired mailbox
It is a simple tribute, it signals the immense effort of the individual for a cause. The graphic mailbox above can signal a veteran club, a retirement center or simply a recruitment center. It can make sense in multiple settings.
via waymarking.com
38. Mark Your Ranch With something representative
Simple to realize, , easy recognizable and super fun to look at as the black and white horse seems to ride the wheel itself.
via Pinterest
39. the odd and insanely fascinating cool box
A tiki motif can share a message, can mark a hobby center, the workshop of an artist, have fun with simple elements.
via tikiroom.com
40. the wild supports mail now
A small cabin in the woods that`s being used as training center for the boy scouts could use such a cool mailbox, have fun in everything you do.
41. sculptural tree-shaped mail
The surreal mailbox above seems inspired by the Tolkien universe, its metallic presence has been emphasized by the presence of rust and paint on the leafy part.
via indz.com
42. REcycle old number plates into an epic mailbox
Simply salvage 5-6 old number plates, preferably, plates of different states, and embellish your classic mailbox carefully. It can mark the presence of many businesses or simply the home of a car enthusiast, a car nut.
43. little red farm mailbox
It might look like a hard craft to materialize and for the amateur it might be so, especially considering the level of detail, but regardless, you all know that good carpenter, that friend with power tools or the architect that knows to work models in soft balsa wood, there are always options, and where they`re not, you can shape them.
via hongkiat.com
44. Re-pURPOSE a boat engine case
A super simple craft that uses an old boat engine to facilitate correspondence. The engine case fits beautifully the role of a mailbox, simply epic result.
via flickr
45. harley davidson mailbox tribute
You can find a purpose to any object. The insanely cool Haley-Davidson composition above is surely a great solution for pieces that have suffered irreparable damage in an accident for example, they mark a strong passion, a lovely hobby.
via blog.bikerornot.com
46. the mailbox of a car nut, ENTHUSIASM defined
You know your passion better than anyone else, you know your needs and desires better than anyone else, pursue them, in everything.
Source Unknown
47. rust featured in a modern expression
Elegance can take many shapes, here a really simple modern solution signals a discreet mailbox and street number. How are you signaling yours ?
With design and diy projects we`re not entering the "right" or "wrong" land often, there is hardly any right or wrong in anything. We ought to pursue something that we live, something that we love without harming our own balance while doing so, we ought to break the rules of our existence everyday, we ought to brake the rules, not the law.
How do you see these cool mailboxes? We would love to hear from you in the comment section below !