Every day we encounter it, every day as we step through our garden we see our flower beds, our vegetable gardens, and naturally the lawn and flower bed edging ideas that support our curb appeal. Flower garden edging ideas and vegetable garden edging ideas can make a huge difference in our garden and it all comes to a simple concept, addressing two distinct areas by separating them or creating a transition between them.

It goes without saying that the landscape edging ideas that would fit your garden will probably not fit others yet happily there are a dozen to choose from, in the following gallery we have showcased 73 cool garden edging ideas that are worth considering regardless of budget, style or creativity, there is a little something in there fore each and everyone.
Solutions to one's garden edge can come in any material or combination of materials, there are no "rules", you will often encounter stone, concrete, brick, wood, tiles, metal, plates, glass, gabion, logs and, happily, all sorts of recyclable materials these days !
Up-cycling and recycling are key words in contemporaneity if we are to have a tomorrow to call future, up-cycling and recycling are words by which we stand for at Homesthetics and we would love to have you on our side, start by throwing an eye over the gallery below and please do let us know what do you think !
Garden Edging Ideas
1. Use Salvaged Wood to Edge Your Garden
One of the easiest methods to create an epic garden edge is through salvaged wood, possibly, pallet wood. The natural material will integrate seamlessly into any arrangement and it offers you infinite flexibility when it comes to design as other woody solutions will showcase in the gallery.
The image below showcases an extraordinary result, all you need is pallet wood; keep in mind that to you do not need to stress about its width or height when you cut these pieces to "size", the earth around them will help you with that.
2. Use Flat Rocks 
Flat rocks are natural puzzle pieces and you happily get to arrange them in a manner that will benefit your garden and enhance your curb appeal, above they separate the lawn from leafy vegetation splendidly, would you like to change something?
via plantedwell.com
3. Shape a DIY Concrete Garden Edge
You will need a certain shape to obtain the desired result as well as a particular concrete mixture that is allows you to play with it; it might seem difficult but a Home Depot consultant will surely you give you a couple of options. The possibilities are endless.
via pinterest
4. Concrete Stone Edging Magic
Stone options are one of the most used flower garden edging ideas due to their immense versatility and natural look, here assemble in an L-shape on two layers they border the flower pack splendidly.
5. Create a Rock and Brick Pattern
You can create a splendid mosaic garden edge, it can contain bricks, river rocks and if need be, cement to keep it altogether, one could argue that there is no need though, earth s there to support you in [almost] any DIY endeavor.
via flickr
6. Use Light to Highlight Your Garden Edging
via buzzfeed
7. Place Bricks Diagonally to Shape an Edge
Ohh the possibilities, the warmth of bricks and their versatility makes a case for them once more ! In this particular case, bricks have been placed on an angle, diagonally to create a rhythm and a certain dynamicity as result. It is also worth noting that the splendid design is completely non-intrusive and can be reverted or upgraded whenever you need easily !
via thechicsite.com
8. Shape organic Edges With Terracotta Cylinders 
Terracotta lines have been used above to sculpt an organic path in which coziness resides through bricks, the splendid shape path creates a small ellipsoidal game that invites vegetation and greenery closer to the individual that glides on it, get creative and embrace vegetation in your own garden !
via ny times
9. Create Mineral Fluid Transitions
Patience in the process can go a long way, above a professional garden edge showcases a simple completed process, imagine how you would go about realizing this, we have two lines and a couple of pavement blocks, all balanced by sand, what can be simpler ?
via pinterest
10. Use Metal Garden Edges
This might require more patience yes and it does require a really cool material, metal sheets. While exemplary, keep in mind that the splendid metal sheets remain rather rough on the edges in most cases and children or pets can get injured if the roam the garden unattended. It goes without saying though that these are exemplar garden edges in terms of aesthetics.
via OLIVINE Land
11. Use Steel Panels as a Garden Edge
If you consider a raised garden bed, options are even more extensive, steel panels can become garden edges just as beautifully as wooden pallets, both can be pierced here and if you want to place greenery in the vertical plane as well, option that we highly recommend.
via homeimprovementpages.com.au
12. Geometric Zig Zag Metal Edging
Yes, metal edges can function at any level, they`re exemplary regardless of their height; above the height varies just like the metal line varies through the garden thus creating a zig zag in both the horizontal and vertical plane.
via smallgardening.com
13. Use Gabions With Rock and Wood
Rocks, wood, they come in all shape and sizes, sometimes in the form of a gabion, here a really earthy one with colored rocks, wooden blocks and awesome vegetation surrounding the sculptural raised garden. Imagine the garden above 10 years from now, with its vegetation matured, a lush, splendid oasis in the making the example above is !
A gabion can also use shattered rocks that would occupy the volume evenly, the lack of wooden blocks here clears the design further and the small white sand simply aces the neat look, the balance between the elements is spot on, how do you see it?
via plantedwell.com
14. Stack Flat Stone Into an Edge
Your curb appeal might benefit from an all natural look, it can be a flat stone edge, as showcased above. The splendid design is easily reversible, it can be easily changed, upgraded and it has little to no costs, how do you see it ?
via hoselink
15. Use a Clean Edge Near Your Patio
If you want a pitch-perfect edge, precision is what you`re looking for, here an offset of the terrace, naturally in wood, received splendid dark-blue shattered stone that creates a contrasting transition between the wooden terrace and the lawn, needless to say that once you create the offset, you choose the family towards which the stone goes.
via amazing gardens.co.uk
16. Use a Living Edge
Yep, a living edge! Sounds really great isn`t it? Well it is, it cannot be simpler, use vegetation to protect vegetation !
Yes, we notice the stone edging as well but is the green wall here that contains the vegetation first and foremost, the splendid transition is definitely worth considering !
via belmanliving
17. Use White and Black River Rocks
Yes ! You can combine blue river rocks with white shattered rocks and metal edges to create a layered transition that becomes a graphical element in itself, how would you address such an arrangement of layers?
via modernindenver.com
18. Use Boulders to Shape Your Edge
In the splendid composition above both square pavement blocks and immense boulders have been used to contain splendid fresh greenery but it is the boulders that stand out and create depth in this example, is the boulders that raise the height and contain soil thus shaping slightly raised bed of greenery. The boulders could certainly emphasize a different material than pavement blocks or none, through their presence though you change the game for sure.
via pinterest
19. Combine Concrete With River Rocks and Boulders
Here even bigger boulders make a change, aided by what we can categorize as big river rocks and a third cement, concrete edge. The splendid tiered layering plays of mineral texture create a game that supports the greenery upstairs brilliantly, a simply awesome flower edge !
via homebn.com
20. Use Gray Boulders to Enhance Greenery
A pure beauty, gray blue boulders, white sand and lush vegetation growing through the boulders, a simple and clean look that will certainly be appreciated by many; if you`re just starting out, be patient, the splendid greenery will take its place, it will emphasize absolutely everything !
via secretgardenlandscaping.com
21. Use Railway Ties to Shape Garden Edges
Using salvaged materials is noble splendid and insanely resourceful ! Just look on how awesome these railway ties look, they seem filled with memory and wisdom, they enhance the yard through their presence and easily contain their raised soil and greenery to new heights, literally.
via gardeningschool.org
22. Edge With Vertical Railway Sleepers
If a uniform garden edge doesn't feel all that appealing to you, then why not go for a raised bed with individual sleepers placed vertically? Not only will the varying heights of the sleepers give it an unusual look, but impart a unique visual effect as well.
via kilgraney.com
23. Use Salvaged Wooden Beams
A decorative garden edge with salvaged wood is another amazing eco-friendly way of giving your garden that much-needed attraction. And you can see by the picture, how the maker was able to personalize the wood and craft it into a very fun and appealing design and give the garden a very unique touch.
via pinterest
24. Colorful Wooden Edge
Vertical rail sleepers even with their own unique style and visual appeal can feel rather bland and boring, that can dampen your garden's aesthetics. But painting your wooden edges and giving them different colors will make them look rather bright and funky. Best of all you get to color code and personalize it in whichever way you want,
via farmandfoundry.com
25. Wood Shaping a Raised Garden Bed
Raised garden beds can allow you to make your own little floral sanctuary from the comforts of your backyard garden. Just like the picture, accessorizing them with small pebbles and evenly cut vertical sleepers can create a very serene and beautiful effect that can calm the mind and help it to relax.
via growingdesigns.co.uk
26. Tree Trunks Can Guard Your Edge
With this garden edge and footwork, recycling is the main moto. Not one is the edge made with recycled tree trunks but the footway itself is constructed entirely out of recycled bottles. This imparts a rather traditional yet classical feel to the overall appeal of your garden and goes a long way in protecting the environment.
via hometalk
27. Wooden Pallet Garden Edging
Wooden pallets can not only be used to make trellises for your tomato farm but can be significantly useful in making your garden edges as well. Its a very eco-friendly option and you can even use it to grow a few climbers as well by attaching the plant to it and training it to grow along it.
28. Garden Hoses Woven Into an Edging
Brightly colored garden hoses woven around wooden stumps as a form of an edge for your garden is not only aesthetically pleasing but a functional option as well. Along with beautifying your garden, it will help keep those rather curious critters out, and keep your harvest safe if you were growing any.
29. Woven Willow Branch Garden Edging
Woven willow branch edging functions much like the woven hose edging but aesthetically, it's a timeless classic. And unlike the woven hose, it is not as durable or as incredibly sturdy, but nonetheless, it has a very earthy freshness to it and is very simple to make.
via sad.co.ua
30. DISCRETE EasyFlex Quick No Dig Edging, 40-Foot with 12-Piece Spikes and Connector
If you are willing to give the garden edge a very modern and industrial look, then the spike and connector edging can provide you with just that. It's a very simple idea, that screams practicality, all you have to do is get some 40 feet 12-inch spikes with a connector and hammer them in accordingly around your garden.
Give your garden a unique shape with this boundary, and you are all set.
Source Unknown
31. Stone Effect Plastic Foldable Garden Edging
Recycling your plastic and giving it a stony appeal can be a fantastic edge for your garden, especially around your precious flower beds. Not only is this a very cheap and cost-effective method but incredibly environment-friendly as well. Take the extra plastic from your home and mold them into a stone shaped foldable edge, we guarantee that you will be pleasantly surprised by the results.
Source Unknown
32. Use a Panacea Gothic Arch Border Fence
Gothic arches for raised flower beds can double as a garden edge. The intricate patterns of the arches with black bold coloring along with the intricate gothic design looks mesmerizing when surrounding your garden on solemn dusky evenings. You can either DIY those arches yourself with either wood or metal, or get them from any hardware store.
33. Unique Chine Plate Garden Edge
Perhaps you have expensive yet broken and worn out china dishes around the house. So instead of throwing them away, why not put them to good use? Forming a garden edge with them is a useful and effective idea. Just dig a trench, put them in and fill it back up again. The beautiful and glossy china is sure to brighten up the garden.
via 33barefootlane
34. Use a Terracotta pots to shape the Edge
If you're a lot into flower plantations then this idea might just appeal to you. Terracotta pots can not only house your plants and flowers but make an excellent garden edge as well. And as a DIY project, even if you’re not much of a fan of pottery, they pots are extremely easy to make with sculpting clay, and you can shape it the way you choose to fit the size and structure of your garden.
via om mig
35. Bowling Balls Can Guard Your Plants
Yes Bowling Balls! You heard us right. A very unique and out of the box idea isn't it? But if you ask us it is a very fun and funky way of accessorizing your garden. It makes for great garden edges while at the same time guarding your plants and flower beds. Bowling balls come in various shapes and sizes and the neon and florescent colors instantly groove up the place.
via beth evans ramos
36. Up-cycle Hubcaps into Garden Edging
For all the motor heads out there. An up-cycle hubcap is a really cool and modern way of edging your garden. And much like the china dishes, just dig a trench, plant them and fill it back up again. It has a very industrial avant-garde appeal to it, that allows you to give your garden your very own personal touch.
via beth evans ramos
37. Use Recycled Bicycle Wheels as Garden Edges
Free is when you turn junk into tools, and in this case into a fully functional garden edge. You can simply achieve this with old cans . But it is more traditionally done with worn out bicycle tires, that makes your whole garden feel unique and a conversation topic for all your social gatherings.
38. Create a Natural Garden Edge
The Natural Garden edge is the simplest to make and is also a very fun DIY project for any gardening enthusiast. All you need is a shovel, a garden sheer and a weed cutter and you are all good to go. Instead of making your flowerbed above ground here, you dig them further down into the ground, leaving the garden a bit elevated.
You can even choose to accessorize the surrounding flowerbed with some brightly colored birdhouses or crop plantations.
39. Use Flat Stone on a Sloped Raised Bed
This is where your home meets the resort. Just as the picture suggest, taking flat stones of various shapes and sizes and arranging them neatly around a raised flower bed, creates such an amazing garden edge concept that makes your home and backyard feel like its some five star resort. Just fill up the bed with vibrant trees and flowers and you will have the complete package.
40. Use Mineral Black to Edge Your Flowers
Taking a page out of the Gothic Arches, comes another concept that is sure to excite the Lovecraft in you. Flowers have an amazing ability of going incredibly well with a black surrounding. And just like the picture suggests a mineral black edging for your flower bed and garden provides a fantastic aesthetic atmosphere that can simply take one's breath away.
41. Shape Your Garden Through Your Path
Shaping your garden along a Crushed rock path is another interesting idea that has off late been growing in popularity among the suburban households.
Lay down a graveled pathway and let your trees grow unperturbed and wildly around it. A walk through this footway every now and can feel like a mesmerizing saunter through the wilderness.
Source Unknown
42. Use Chicken Wire to Shape A Natural Garden Edge
If you run a poultry farm, then you might just have a lot of leftover chicken coop wires lying around. And coop wires have been known to be great at making raised flower beds as well. These flower bed boundaries double as a garden edge and is a very effective way of delineating your garden boundaries.
via manufactum.de
43. Use Rocks to Shape a Mosaic Garden Edge
The Calade paving is originally done by pebbles to form a garden path or driveways and terraces. But just like the picture, using large uneven rocks of different varieties can bring about an amazing visual effect as well. You can even try and use faux-stone facing or false brick with laying pavers and slabs to bring about the same desired result.
via bleubeton.com
44. Use Colorful Glass Bottles as Garden Edge
A lot like the bowling ball idea, a decorative garden edge made out of colored glasses might not look or feel as abstract as it sounds. You can either choose to go with deep blue or black glasses that can compliment any flower bed. Or use glasses of different colors to make your garden feel nice and fresh in the early mornings.
via pinterest
45. Use Rain Water to Create a Water Garden Edge
What's more amazing than turning your backyard into your own personal ecological park? And all of it is possible with just some rainwater and pebbles. Make a long meandering trench and line it up with pebbles, divert the rainwater collecting on your roof into it and you have an excellent water garden edge.
via thechive.com
46. Use a Herringbone Brick Pattern Edge
Perhaps the most traditional and widely used option on our list today. What's more simple than lining up some bricks into a Herringbone pattern and using it as an edge for your garden and flower beds? And it is quite efficient as well, while at the same time being a very durable structure. Additionally, you can use this as a footway as well that can help you to move around your garden.
via pinterest
47. Use a Wooden Log Garden Edge
Wooden log stumps have a very natural feel to them, and apart from providing you with firewood for your fireplace, they can be ideally used as a garden edge as well. And the round stumps need not be of the same size or shape, as long as it creates a well-marked boundary, its job is done.
via theartinlife.com
48. Scale Logs to Create The Edge Required
Source Unknown
Another way of using cut wooden logs and stumps as a garden edge is by stacking them up along the border in one neat file. We all know how important firewood gets during the winter, and instead of stowing the uncut ones away in the shed, you can look to dress your garden edge with it. It makes for a fine visual contrast with a foresty appeal.
via chorltoncommunitywildlifegarden.wordpress.com
49. Epic Bamboo Garden Edging
A prevailing idea from the orient. Baboo sticks are quite hard, durable and versatile, and make for excellent garden edges. And if you have your bamboo plantation in the backyard, achieving this garden edge, would be absolutely free and effortless. White bamboo would be the best choice, which you can later paint and color code, personalizing it the way you want.
via pinterest
50. Salvaged Wheels Up-cycled
Let's take a trip to the past, shall we? Rusted out and damaged wheels from many years back can be easily salvaged and upcycled to produce a rather unique garden edge that screams history and timelessness. They can form support bases for climbers as well, and if you have a tomato plantation going, the wheels can be quite efficient as a trellis.
via pinterest
51. Use Horizontal Bamboo Garden Edges
This is more about making a pathway to create a garden edge and border, rather than focusing primarily on the border itself. It's another very unique use of the bamboo, but instead of trenching it into the ground, you lay it down horizontally to create a walkway out of it and make a rather mellow and elegant garden edge as a result.
via mastergardenproducts.com
52. Up-cycle Metal Pipe Garden Edges
A lot of old houses have worn out and rusty pipes lying around, some may even still be connected to the house's plumbing structures. But instead of throwing them away, why not up-cycle them into holding brightly colored gravels and pitting them into the ground to form a garden edge? We are confident that just like the picture it will look beautiful and elegant.
53. Shape Your Garden With a Succulent Trunk
Now here is another interesting idea, the Tree Trunk with Succulent. Why just plant plain tree trunks and branches as an edge? You can grow succulents out of the moss on the trunk, it gives the branch a very unique personality, and as different branches will have a different type of succulent growing on it, your resulting edge will look very varied and colorful.
via suculentasminhas.blogspot.com.br
54. Bring Flowers Forward as a Garden Edge
If making an edge out of vertical sleepers and raised crop beds don't feel all that appealing to you, then this option may just be the idea you are looking for. And its simpler too, all you have to do is make a flower bed around the garden, and by the picture, you can see that the results can be quite stunning indeed.
via pinterest
55. Create a Blue Colored Glass Garden Edge
Blue glass has a brilliant shine and gloss to it during the daytime, especially around dusk and dawn. You can dig a trench pathway bordering the garden and plant these glass shards in. During the twilight, it shines in a mesmerizing blue haze that can give your garden a spectacular sight to behold.
via flickr
56. Use Layered Vegetation and a Slim Metallic Profile
A very modern and aesthetically pleasing design. Making a layered vegetation edge and giving it a slim metallic profile is quite a popular idea implemented by a lot of homesteaders who desire a fresh new look for their garden.
To make it even more attractive you can line the extremities of the edge with gravel and small pebbles, to highlight the plantation even further.
via pinterest
57. Rock Edge Doubled in Organic Ensemble
Another pleasing to the sight and inspired edge design idea is the Rock Edge Doubled in Organic Assemble. This concept is all about creating a visual contrast that instantly attracts the sight and pleases. Lining the pathway with rocks on both sides and issuing an organic assemble around it creates a very mellow and calming atmosphere.
via indulgy.com
58. Use Boulders to Shape Your Garden Edge
If boulders are more readily available to you than rocks and brightly colored pebbles then this concept can peak your interest quite a bit. Make a pathway out of crushed gravel, and line up the edges with big chunks of boulder rocks. And by the picture, you can safely that it doesn't look as awful as it sounds. But rather it looks very pretty and appealing to the senses.
59. Sculptural Garden Edge in Brick
This garden edge idea is all about the foot-way and the walk through it. And it is the sculpture that brings the garden to life and makes it feel like the background of some Victorian Romantic novel. The winding path, densely flowered sides and the archaic sculptures, make the walk-through feel like an exciting journey through time.
via gardendesign.com
60. Use Colored Tiles to Create Garden Borders
Source Unknown
With colored tiles, you can make fantastic images and mosaics that will suit your personality and compliment not only your garden but your home as well. This is very a cost-effective and innovative way of decorating your garden edge with just the use of some everyday household tools and accessories.
Source Unknown
61. Bottle Cap Garden Edging is Always an Option
Taking colorful bottle caps and arranging them in unique patterns, can be a great garden edge idea as well. In the picture, you can see that the bottle caps are arranged in a manner that creates a fantastic style pattern that allows the creator to perfectly showcase his artistic talents and imagination. Moreover, you can use them as a walkway as well.
via pinterest
62. Simple Wooden Beam Flower Garden Edges
Wood beams and raised flower beds are the way to go for this garden edge idea. It's more about security than style really, but accessorizing it tastefully with the right choice of flowers for the flower bed can make it feel very bright and attractive.
63. Steel Garden Edging at its Best
The more you see Cor-ten steel in the garden, the more will it appeal to you. Cor-ten steel’s natural rust finish on fences, raised garden beds and retaining walls has a very urban appeal that gives your garden that modern look. And what makes Cor-ten steel so very beneficial in the garden–is that it becomes harder and stronger when exposed to weather over time.
via gardenista.com
64. Mineral Swirl Edging
As the name and picture would suggest, the concept behind this edge is very simple. You create a maze-like pathway around your garden in a swirling pattern and keep each grassy section at different elevation levels. This design just feels amazing for afternoon walks and weekend saunters.
via Pinterest
65. Corten Garden Edging
The Corten garden edging is one of the harder edge design to pull off, but can become pretty simple once you have a grasp on its basic concept. And the concept is fairly simple really, alternate winding grass elevations in a zig-zag pattern, where the elevation rises on the outskirts by mellows out in the middle.
Source Unknown
66. Rocks and Succulent Edging
A lot like the tree trunk and succulent concept, but a much more elegant and refined version of it. The rocks and succulent edging comes with varying pebbles that are small and brightly colored along with vibrant succulents that can be a fantastic garden edge or a beautiful accessory for your patio.
67. Flat Log Edging Ideas
If you have kids at home, then the flat log edging idea is sure to appeal to you. It will not only go as a great garden edge but its a hit with kids playground as well. And one of the most popular things a child does with a flat log edge is play skipping games. They try holding competitions to see who can go hopping around it the fastest.
via Pinterest
68. Glow in the Dark Tree Logs
Dress the logs of the garden edge with neon strips and see your garden come to life at in one of the most spectacular sites you will ever behold. The glow in the dark tree logs are can brighten up any late night social gathering, may it be for a late-night barbecue or an overnight camp in your yard, this edge is sure to make the evening magical.
via Pinterest
69. Japanese Slate Garden Edging
The Japanese slates function pretty much the same as the blue glass, but its overall aura and shine are more mellow and calming to the senses. Serenity is the key thought behind it, and the slates provide a contemplative mood to your garden which can help you relax everytime you decide to sit by your porch.
via Pinterest
70. Use Gabion Walls
A Gabion wall is a cage, cylinder or box that is entirely filled with rocks, concrete, sand or soil. They form very durable and sturdy garden edges, that you can use as a sitting bench as well. The picture shows a Gabion wall made of rocks with a wooden roof, which can be used as a sitting area in your garden.
via Tendance Gabion
71. Pebble with Slate Garden Edging Ideas
A pebble walkway alone can work perfectly well as a garden edge. But if you are looking to accessorize it a bit more, then adding some slates or tiles can be the way to go. Pebbles go extremely well with marble slates or grey tiles, that seemingly highlight its small round and bright features. But not only will this edge compliment the pebbles but your garden as well.
via Pinterest
72. Sea Shell Garden Edging
If you are a marine and sea life enthusiasts then this garden edge might just be your pick for the day. Bring the sea to your very own backyard with this very awe-inspiring garden edge idea. Dig a long winding trench around your garden and fill it up to the brim with sea shells clams and conches, and make your home feel like a seaside resort.
73. Three Minerals Garden Edging
Just as the picture and the name suggests, this garden edge is primarily composed out of 3 separate and unique minerals. Pebbles, rocks, boulders, steel, iron, granite...etc, there is a vast combination to choose from. The main inspiration behind this edge concept is to create a contrast through different color and type oppositions that creates a very attractive sight to behold.
via pinterest
How do you look these awesome ideas? We would love to hear from you! Keep in mind that after you uplift your garden edging game and your path to greenery, pavement sealers are recommended to both protect the look and enhance it once; on Homesthetics, we have reviewed the best pavement sealers here, cast a glance!