A proud garden owner knows how important is every piece of it; he knows how personal and extraordinary his garden is and how much time he invested in it. He knows that every piece of greenery contains life and every piece deserves attention. Following the same chain of thought he knows that absolutely every piece of wood wears significance and throwing away an old window or door that once protected the individual in its home would be an unforgettable act and as a result we are showcasing underneath beautiful diy upcycled gates that have previously been used in the owners home.

DIY Upcycled Garden Gates
It goes without saying that results are simply extraordinary, doors and windows to small heavens in all their green glory. Cast a glance at the ideas showcased below and think twice before throwing an old door or window from now on. We would love to hear your opinion on the matter in the comment section below.
#1 Two Toned Green Doubled Door Protecting a Heaven With a Shabby Chic Design
#2 Old Wagon Wheel Adding Personality
#3 Up-cycled Bike Opening The Door to Heaven
#4 Small Old Window Protecting Greenery and Splendour
#5 Simple Old Window Opening "Le Jardin"
#6 Old Church Window Welcoming Curious Eyes
#7 Superb Garden Corner Welcoming Greenery
#8 Transparent Headboard Decor
#9 Colorful Old Doors Used as a Double Gate
#10 Old Tools Up-cycled Creatively Into a New Garden Door
#11 Creativity Unraveled in Sculptural Garden Door
#12 Pink Door Sheltering a Beautiful Flower Pot
#13 Small Red Door From Old Headboard
#14 Old Doors and Windows in New Setup
#15 White Window Presenting Inviting Scandinavian Decor
#16 Simple Metal and Wood Composition
#17 Old Metallic Headboard Transformed Into a New Fence
#18 Wood Sheltering Metal in Perfect Equilibrium
#19 Wood and Metal Gates Can Work Extraordinary Well
#20 Fairy Tale Land Protected Beautifully
#21 You Shall Not Pass Into The Green Land
#22 Simple Small Old White Window Guarded by Small Twigs
What do you think? Metal and wood are working beautifully together, the perishable coziness and warmth of wood being boldly backed up by the rustic rust of metal in a mature and complete composition. Old windows, doors and headboards alike are excellent new garden gates and fences, welcome them properly in your greenery and keep the door open for new memories.
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