A petite baby octopus constitutes the focal element in our next tutorial “Learn How to Draw an Octopus “, illustrated as a very positive, fun character with a really cute look; this tiny octopus is part seven of our Cool Things to Draw Collection that we highly encourage you to visit if you`re interested in sketching and drawing. More information on octopus and the tutorial itself, after the break.

Five educative interesting fun facts about the octopus have been presented below to complete the educational component of drawing and sketching, cast a glance:
- The octopus is a marine animal that enters the mollusk category. The mollusk category includes soft bodied animals only.
- The body of the octopus has no less than eight arms, each one bearing two rows of suckers, the rest of body is soft and its brain is highly developed.
- The octopus spends a great deal of time hidden, camouflaged.
- Most octopus reach 1 meter in length, about three feet long.
- The octopus is known to be the most intelligent creature of the invertebrates, animals without a backbone.
Learn How to Draw an Octopus
STEP 1 - draw a circle
A simple circle and its two axes are the first simple step towards a cartoon octopus.
STEP 2 - completing the circle
The hat like shape that now appeared on the octopus is characteristic to the octopus and squid`s shape.
STEP 3- drawing its eyes
To highlight the circular attribute of the animal`s head the big, about to become, cute eyes, have been drawn on the edges of the head. A new set of axes highlights the slightly tilted head of the octopus.
STEP 4 - details to humanize the character
Octopus have no regular mouths nor do they have noses but in order to humanize our little character a bit we have drawn a mix between the two. The simple lines almost looks like a smile, a positive look.
STEP 5 - setting a direction for the arms
Simple lines will set the position and direction of the new arms. Short tentacles make a great fit with a big head, notice the cartoonist relation between the two.
STEP 6 - draw the tentacles
Simple cylinders constitute the tentacles now.
STEP 7 - detail the eyes with cuteness
STEP 8 - erase construction lines add shading and details
The octopus receives details on its tentacles and face, construction lines are erased and simple shades offer the drawing depth.
STEP 9 - create a context
The drawing is now ready to receive context and you have full liberty in this dimension. Get creative with simple elements and imagine a realm in which everything is possible.
STEP 10 - color the scene
Gaze for a moment at your drawing in black and white and prepare for coloring, you`ll enjoy every minute of it.
The process of drawing and coloring should be enjoyed by parents and children alike at the same table, numerous studies have proven that going through this process together can be highly beneficial for both parties. What do you think? How do you see drawing and coloring? We would love to hear from you in the comment section below.
This tutorial is part of the "Things to Draw"Collection of drawings realized by Homesthetics Magazine in partnership with Designaissance Studio. The contents of the tutorial are copyright protected as it is the collection itself; if you are interested on sharing the drawings on your website or magazine pleas contact the magazine. Feel free to print or share the page for educative purposes as this is the definitory purpose of our mission with this collection.
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