Owls are majestic creatures with a mystic allure and today these odd creatures are one of the most loved wild animals, slowly becoming a symbol for peace, calm and intelligence alike. The short adorable tutorial “Learn How to Draw an Owl “that follows is the fifth part of our Cool Things to Draw Collection that we highly encourage you to visit if you`re interested in sketching and drawing. More information on owls and the tutorial itself, after the break.

To further emphasize the educative process, fun owl facts for kids have been presented below, the points will cover various features from the way they hunt up to the title of a group of owls, cast a glance below.
- More than 200 different owl species have been discovered to date.
- Owls are active at night, nocturnal animals.
- Interesting enough, a group of owls is entitled a parliament.
- Most owl species are known to hung insects but a select group hunts small mammals and other birds as well, several owl species do hunt fish as well.
- Owls use a set of powerful talons, their claws, to hunt, catch and kill prey.
- A flat face and immense eyes are characterizing the face of the owl and to make things even more interesting, owls can turn their head 270 degrees.
- Owls are farsighted, this basically means that they can`t see things close to their eyes properly.
- Compared to other birds of prey, owls are very quiet in flight.
- The owl uses the coloring of its feathers to help itself blend into their environment, camouflaging.
- Barn owls are easy-recognizable by their heart shaped face.
Learn How to Draw an Owl
STEP 1 - one circle and one ELLIPSE
Easily enough the tutorial starts with one circled placed on one ellipse, both placed on the same vertical axis, each one with its horizontal axis.
STEP 2 - start shaping the body and draw the eyes
The body will now receive the bird's wings in different positions, its eyes will also be shaped.
STEP 3 - Start detailing the head of the owl
The owl`s head is not simply round. To bring forward the charm of the owl in this step preparatory lines for the head of the owl are being shaped.
STEP 4 - Detailing the head and the body
Our little owl now receives details on its wings and belly, the head receives here details as well.
STEP 5 - Beak eyes and more details
Things are getting there, detailing the eyes and placing the beak are now shaping the face. The body also receives additional detailing here.
STEP 6 - erase the construction lines and add more details
The construction lines are now gone, our little owl received its talons, claws and a cute hairstyle.
STEP 7 - place a branch under the owl and detail the eyes
Creating a little context is key. Pay attention to little details in order to humanize the petite creature. Here the eyes receive depth and a branch becomes the first background piece.
STEP 8 - add shades
The shading step is as always optional yet this helps one contour its drawing beautifully, providing depth, transforming a 2D volume into a 3D one.
Here creativity steps in. The entourage of your owl can be constituted of petite bird friends or simply a beautiful tree with a dense foliage. In the same manner flowers can be placed here and there.
STEP 10- Color The scene
Do not leave one spot untouched and make your drawing, your own. Drawing is a very beautiful process and so is coloring, do your best to mix the two in a phenomenal scene.
The owl is a little animal that will surely raise the interest of your little one and hopefully the drawing and coloring process of this petite mystical creature will be both creative and educative for all parties involved. What do you think? We would love to hear your opinion on the subject in the comment section below.
This feature is part of the "Things to Draw" Collection of drawings realized by Homesthetics Magazine in partnership with Designaissance Studio. The contents of the tutorial are copyright protected as it is the collection itself; if you are interested on sharing the drawings on your website or magazine please contact the magazine. Feel free to print or share the page for educative purposes as this is the definitory purpose of our mission with this collection.
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