We all know that Christmas comes in a great package from all kind of decorations to specific table menus, music and a much happier attitude overall, it`s something magic and a great part of the decorations are based on candles or they include candles. Further on we will specify some reasons for which the candles are used for Christmas and also further bellow you`ll see a careful selected gallery meant to inspire you in your decorations.

There are many different reasons why candles are associated with Christmas, although no one knows when they first became connected, thing that makes the mystery even more interesting.
They were used during ancient winter solstice celebrations as a way of remembering that spring would soon come,also one of the earliest records of candles being used at Christmas is from the middle ages, where a huge candle was used to represent the star of Bethlehem. Jesus is sometimes called ‘the Light of the World’ by Christians. This might have started the custom of the Advent Crown and Advent Candles.
Candles are also used during Hanukkah, the Jewish Festival of light which is also celebrated during winter. During the eight nights of Hanukkah, a candle is lit in a special menorah (candelabra) called a ‘hanukkiyah’.
Candles are also used in the modern winter festival Kwanzaa, where a special candle holder called a kinara, that holds seven candles is used.
Perhaps the most famous use of candles at Christmas are Carols by Candlelight Services. These are services when the church is only lit by candles.
Candles were also originally used to decorate Christmas Trees, until safer electric lights were invented and saved many life's of both humans and Christmas trees.
In Southern India, Christians often put small oil burning clay lamps on the flat roofs of their homes to celebrate Christmas. Christians in China use paper lanterns to decorate their Christmas trees. Candles are also used as part of the St. Lucia’s or St. Lucy’s day celebrations in Sweden.
From all that we can keep in mind that there`re lots of reasons to use this amazing things when decorating, the light of a candle inspires warmth and peace along with the great smell that sends our thoughts to Christmas instantly.
Happy Holidays !
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