Usually, the prettiest DIY crafts are made from things we see everyday, like, for example, tree branches. This is the reason that made us to show you some unique ideas to decorate your home using nothing but simple branches from you garden or backyard. These projects are simple, very cheap and the will cost you only a little bit of your free time. If you have some free time it’s perfect, if not, you should take a break and relax, because we all know how important is to relax now and then, just to clear out our minds. Crafting is a really great way to light your imagination up, to take a break and to decorate your home or garden with whatever you want! So get creative and start these 18 Creative Craft Ideas- How To Use Tree Branches now.

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Creative Craft Ideas
1.Tree branch candle holder
2.Use them to make a picture
3.Log candle holder
4.Heart carved logs candle holders
5.Candle inside a tree log
6.Flower made from branches
7.Candle holder decoration
8.The tree bookshelf
9.Hangers from branches
10.Candles inside a log
11. Use them to make a shelf
12. Branches chandelier
13. Logs and branches side table
14.Christmas decoration
15.Branches and logs coffee tables
16. Candle holders
17. Tree branches wall art
18. Tree branch décor