The immense amount of joy and happiness brought into our lives by our little furry friends is inseparable. Nothing can match the eyes of a puppy, nothing can love you more than your puppy. Pay attention to them, make their life comfortable and memorable; take your pet with you and your family in trips and gain experience together. This small act will bond all of you more than you can imagine, it will create iconic family photos and will land thousands of smiles accompanied by laughter.

We have showcased underneath no less than 20 DIY Pet Craft Projects, all meant to change the life of your furry friends at home where they belong. The easier you make your life the easier and more pleasant they make yours. Cast a glance at the gallery below and choose your favorite craft to materialize. Just like us humans, our beloved pets get bored too. This is why we should always try to do something of a new experience when we are with them. Dogs and cats especially like to roam around the house and sometimes it just is not enough. They need to go outside or they are going to lose it.
DIY Pet Craft Projects
1. Create a Little Pool / Bar For Your Furry Friend
2. Backyard Outdoor Path For Indoor Cats
3. Small Bone Shaped Pool For Your Canine Friend
via bterrier.com
4. Two Storey Dog House With Opened Deck
5. Smart and Useful Dog Activated Fountains
via hammacher.com
6. A Small Pool Can Be Refreshing
Source unknown.
7. Outdoor Cat System by The Fence
via cuckoo4design.blogspot.com
8. Tiny Duck Deck and Bathtub
Tutorial @ instructables.com
9. Pet Peek Window in The Fence
You can use the old door of a washing machine to serve this purpose.
via amazon.com
10. Outdoor Modern Pet Bedroom
Tutorial @ centsationalgirl.com
11. Small Dog Door and Stairs Ensemble
12. Ice Lick Cake Made From His Toys a Few Bones and Goodies
Tutorial @ truebluemeandyou.tumblr.com
13. Wooden Pallets Made to Construct a Dog Backyard
via facebook.com
14. Wine Barrel Dog House
via sunset.com
15. Small Sandbox for Pets
16. Ladder For Cats to The First Floor
via catladder.blogspot.com
17. Dog Dream Mansion With Sliding Doors and Greenery at Its Grasp
18. Dog Water Fountain Transforming an Essential a Need Into a Game
19. Get Your Dog Out of The Pool Safely
via inthecompanyofdogs.com
20. Pallet Raised Bed For Little Furry Friends
What crafts have you materialized for your pet till now and with what would you like to start from the gallery above? Leave your valuable feedback in the comment section below.
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