If you really want to make sure that your home is one of a kind you should definitely tailor your own solutions, to make sure that everything is fitting to your taste and lifestyle like a glove. In the backyard landscape in particular a dozen diy projects with low budgets can be materialized with ease, emphasizing your supreme relaxation spot for this summer. Following this chain of thought we have curated 29 super cool diy reclaimed wood projects meant to help you in this endeavor.

Choose your favorite DIY project from the ones showcased below and start hunting for wood. To complement your backyard you can also create a small diy tire water pond, an outdoord diy pizza oven, a luxurious diy fire pit and some unique garden walkways to sculpt your small green oasis.
1.Transform a Tree Stump Into a Natural Wooden Planter
via goodideasforyou.com
2.Crack Logs and Light them Up In a a Beautiful Dramatic Manner
3.Mark Plantations With Twigs and Branches
via sweetlifegarden.com
4.Beautiful Small Backyard Fouintain
5.Materialize a Geometric Path From Salvaged Wood and River Rocks
6.Repaint Your Small Fences and Emphasize Them With Planters
via pinterest.com
7.Plant Succulents Into Wooden Trunks
via darbysmart.com
8.Create Tiny Tiny Small Corner Tables Suspended on Your Balcony
9.Colorful Garden Edge From Salvaged Wood
via bobvila.com
10.Raise Your Cooler Off The Ground
Tutorial lumberjocks.com
11.Create and Outdoor Light Stand
Tutorial the100block.blogspot.com
12.Branches and Twigs Used to Realize a Privacy Screen
13.Superb Tree Stump Side Table
14.Log Bench Emphasized by Up-cycled Wooden Chairs
via dishfunctionaldesigns.blogspot.com
15.Outdoor Bar Realized From Scrap Timber and Wooden Pallets
via recyclart.org
16.Stylish Huge Planters Wearing Wood Textures
Tutorial instructables.com
17.Wood Garden Walkway Realized From Pallet Pieces
Tutorial funkyjunkinteriors.net
18.Reclaimed Wood and Mason Jar Light Fixture
19.Tree Stump Mosaic Stools
20.Small Log Vase Centerpiece Ready to Carry Flowers
21.Wood Slices Used in a Homemade Water Fountain
22.Salvaged Wood Used For a Vertical Pot Holder
Tutorial organizedclutter.net
23.Pallet Wood and Mason Jar Garden Lamp
Tutorial handycrowd.com
24. Jaw-Dropping Mosaic Walkaway Realized From River Stones
25. Hanging Basket Planters Beautifying Spatiality
via etsy.com
26. Small Pallet Tee For Children
via 1001pallets.com
27. Wooden Boxes Constituting a Vertical Garden
via ana-white.com
28. Colorful Wooden Crates Emphasizing a Simple Fence Through Flowers
via hgtvgardens.com
29. Simple Mundane Geometric Paths Sculpted By Greenery
We would love to hear you opinion on these super cool diy reclaimed wood projects. Each and everyone is able to change your backyard landscape in a breathtaking manner and we would love to hear which from the ones showcased above would be first on your list. Craft away!