When it comes to design, the feminine side is usually the one that tackles the issue, adding soft delicate touches to a home. Creating a masculine bathroom or adding bold touches to one to make it more male gender friendly is quite easy though. Colors and tones play a crucial role, alongside materials and accessories. Bold darker tones are often used, all complemented and toned down with accents of warm wood to soften the rough edges. Geometric furniture designs will take the place of organic, baroque pieces whilst neutral shower curtains will replace floral choices.Add industrial decorations such as a rusty old lighting fixture and choose dark faucets for a strong contrast. Dark blues, grays, bold green, concrete, metal, all come together and merge into elegant yet edgy designs. Get inspired from our choices below and learn how to create a masculine bathroom.

How To Create A Masculine Bathroom
1. industrial insertions will add an edgy touch to your bathroom design
Use a bold unusual color of sink and a color neutral tone for the walls, all complemented and toned with the warm hues of the wood counter.
Marika Jarv Creative. Photography by Matt Russell.
2. black and white bathroom accessories used in a blank white background
Notice how the recycled wood door balances the color scheme.
Aamodt/Plumb. Photography by Casey Dunn.
3. navy blue hues and dark wooden tones are a masculine approach
A light floor will add the needed contrast. Add a dark faucet for an unusual twist.
4. opt for a blue-grey shower curtain with a manly design
It can be used as the focus colorful piece in a neutral toned bathroom.
5. dark toned bathroom accessories should be present
1120 Ceramics Studio.
6. Find a shower head that has storage incorporated
Anthony Keeler for Umbra.
7. use a neutral colored shower curtain that can make the entire bathroom neutral
Bed Bath & Beyond
8. allow a sculptural item to breathe and flow
9. add an entire range of bathroom accessories with a manly bold design
10. an unique controversial design piece to hold the towels
Thelermont Hupton. Available at made in design.
11. the simplest most geometric metallic ladder can serve as a towel holder
Sonadora In Love.
12. plants can be present in a masculine bathroom but in a certain context
Sarah Sherman Samuel.
13. find a spot for his products
Elisabeth Heier
14. you could add inspirational messages and geometrical art
Live Love Studio.
Digital Art Printables.
How would you add masculine touches to a bathroom? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section below.
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