Nexgrill and Weber are 2 of the best manufacturers when it comes to quality gas grills. We can already say that choosing between these products is quite difficult. With the introduction of these products, Nexgrill and Weber have been able to establish a reputable name in the market for grilling and barbecues.

To help folks make a sensible, informed purchase decision, we decided to put together this budget grills product comparison that answers all your questions. We are going to discuss two of the top-selling models i.e. Nexgrill Grill and the Weber Spirit II E-210 and by the end of the review, you’ll be in a better position to decide which product is the better choice for you. First, however, let’s begin with individual reviews for these products.
Weber Spirit II E-210
The Weber Spirit II E-210 44010001 is among the latest and top-selling products from the Weber brand. You will find that this product comes with a 2-burner grill and a very sleek design.
1. Grill Size
The Weber Spirit II E-210 has a total workspace area of 450 square inches and about 360 square inches of these are used for the primary cooking space. The remaining space of 90 square inches is dedicated solely to the warming rack.
2. Cooking Power
The Weber Spirit II E-210 features 2 burners that are made of stainless steel and will be capable of delivering total heat outputs of as much as 26,500 BTUs/hour. This also means that for every square inch of the grill, there will be an equal spread of about 73 BTUs/hour. (26,500/360).
3. GS4 Grilling System
The Weber Spirit II E-210 has a GS4 Grilling System that ensures a reliable and easy grilling experience for users. For this very reason, the GS4 system consists of 4 important components. These components consist of the grease management system, flavorizer bars, powerful burners, and infinity ignition.
4. Side Tables
Another important and user-friendly feature of this product is the folding side table. With the help of this, you can always keep your platters, tools, and seasoning handy or even benefit from a little extra space while you barbecue. These side-tables, however, won’t cause you any problems when you want to store your grill away because all you would have to do is press a button and fold them in.
Nexgrill Grill
In our budget grills product comparison, we decided to include the Nexgrill since it is a great substitute for the Weber Spirit II E-210. This product can also be bought with 2 steel burners that are made of stainless steel. It also features extra side tables on both sides of the unit. These side tables can also be folded down to give you more work space or for easy storage.
1. Durability
The Nexgrill is made from corrosion-resistant materials, making the product more functional and with increased operational life. Other than this, the product consists of 2 porcelain iron casts that ensure that the grill can be cleaned easily.
2. Heat Output & Size
As mentioned before, this product also has 2 burners that can deliver a consistent maximum heat output of 15,000 BTUs/hour. The cooking space offered by this product stands at about 385 square inches plus the extra 65 square inches for the warming rack. This means that the overall coming area of the product stands at 450 square inches.
3. Versatility
One feature that gets a lot of love from most grillers is its ability to operate on propane as well as natural gas. The Nexgrill also features an infrared technology which will be able to provide its users with different cooking methods for different conditions.
Nexgrill Vs Weber
If we were to compare the Weber to the Nexgrill with regards to heat output, then we can assure you that the Weber will be a clear winner. This is because of the fact that the Weber has the ability to deliver a cumulative heat output of 26,500 BTUs. The Nexgrill model is left behind by just a notch as it stands at 15,000 BTUs/hour.
Other than this, both of these products are set apart, despite many of their similarities, by their price tag. The Weber Spirit II E-210 has a larger price tag as opposed to its competitor and both of these products have the same cooking space at 450 square inches. Both of these models also have a really great design but the Weber series may only explain its premium price with its ultra sleek design that makes it look really sophisticated.
With regards to cooking performance, the Nexgrill has definitely made its way to the top. The Weber Spirit II E-210, however, has an ace due to its infrared cooking technology. Weber does have some tricks up their sleeves too because of their really innovative flavoring bards that help ensure a really delicious food for users.
Besides all of the above, the Weber series also offers its users a quality grease management system. This system makes cleaning the product much easier while the infinity ignition makes things even more user-friendly. To end it all, the fuel gauge and temperature indicator in this product are very simple to understand.
Final Verdict for Nexgrill Vs Weber
If you still can’t decide on what to buy from our budget grills product comparison, then we believe you need the Nexgrill. This grill will give you a better heating output at a lower price. If, however, you want some of those brilliant extra features for a heftier price, you still wouldn’t have made a wrong decision!