White is seldom associated with serenity, purity and calm. Therefore, a white bedroom design is usually the first choice, a smart choice because the bedroom should be associated with a restful color. Further more, white is an excellent background for other colorful accents that can add a note of happiness and drama to the entire decor. Whether you are a fan of elegant, classical interior design where black, heavy furniture pieces take place in a white decor or you prefer the more bold approach of a modern, colorful, vibrant atmosphere, the basic white bedroom is a good starting point.

White can also represent romantism so don't hesitate to compose a decor based on fragile white curtains and a baroque bed with a baldaquine and a bunch of fresh cu colorful flowers on the nightstand. There is also the big issue of how to control the overall design in order to not transform the chamber into one which can strongly resemble a hospital room. But here the answer is an easy one: just remember to personalize the space. Family pictures, mirrors, a touch of color on a chic chair, unusual nightstand lamps, candles for romantic nights, flowers. Every little accent and detail can make the difference . Materials and textures are also of the most importance: silk, velvet which can exude richness and elegance or cotton, wool more cozy and warm, each can express a different state of mind and attitude of the owner.
Many could state that choosing to adopt a pure design is the most easy choice but from that to transforming it into your bedroom, your serene piece of paradise and relaxation is a long way to go. We have prepared a selection of white bedroom design ideas to inspire you in the search of the perfect interior design that can truly represent and express your personality. Enjoy!
Read More on bedroom design ideas at Beautiful Creative Small Bedroom Design Ideas Collection
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