As a sheer idealist, Anton’s approach in architecture and content curation is tedious and meticulous this clearly reflects in his work here on Homesthetics with each and every article, after a decade of work on Homesthetics, the content creation guidelines still being improved every month.
Expertises: Architecture, Design, Art, Home improvement, Painting
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The inhabitant spends a good amount of time in search of incredible furniture, extraordinary colors, and entire palettes are envisioned throughout the home yet an often overlooked and highly underrated aspect is the lighting.
Lighting can make or break a decor with ease and it goes without saying that the decorative component alone cannot be considered without the functional, practical role as lighting can ruin more than one`s decor, it can greatly affect the inhabitant`s health and state of mind. Brilliant chandeliers ought to be considered, they can easily grant focal points in one`s space yet in less high-profile spaces and areas in which one needs direct light track lighting come into play.
The modern home is well accustomed to tracking lighting as it is often used as a support light in various installations, art displays, or simply as an accent light on details that we love, the contemporary element has been widely used in numerous interior design styles and the following track lighting ideas below are here to showcase the immense possibilities.
Track lighting has the ability to control the atmosphere, the lights can be controlled remotely through numerous means to meet the inhabitants' needs, and the bohemian relaxing corner above is animated by low-intensity warm yellow light.
A living space can enjoy track lighting that ought to summon the stars into the setting, small bulbs on a large surface in big numbers can create a really spectacular atmosphere.
Source Unknown
Kitchen track lighting is often used under the suspended kitchen cabinets to animate the counter-top. The indirect light serves its purpose well without creating discomfort and without ruining the atmosphere.
In spaces with a low ceiling height discrete track lights can be nestled to emphasize the setting with small factor lighting fixtures that can be easily controlled whilst providing sufficient light .
via Smith & Vansant Architects PC
A wooden pergola can be greatly highlighted in the evening through track lights placed directly on the beams downwards or on the side to indirectly illuminate the structure itself,the rhythm created and the cozy atmosphere shaped to greatly complement festive entertaining.
Source Unknown
In galleries all around the world track lighting systems are used to set the right light where needed.
Sculptural lighting systems can also become pieces that can complement your decor, here nestled between white beams and wooden ceilings parts sinuous metal lines present light.
via MGSarchitecture
The lighting system can be practical, simple and subdued to the overall theme. This ought to be used in the setting in which the lighting fixtures themselves are not playing a decorative part per say but a purely practical one.
In attic spaces track lights can function on both axes, here they offer a depth of field through light over a two-story living room with a circulation path over it.
via Sandvold Blanda Architecture + Interiors
In a dressing room perimeter lighting fixtures can illuminate the cabinets, and mirrors, accentuating one`s collections and providing the right control light needed in the decision-making process.
A common position taken by these lighting fixtures is high above the sink in the bathroom, emphasizing the feeling of space throughout as light uses the mirror to fill the entire room.
Track light systems can be sculpted to fit the layout of your space.
via Coupard Architects and Builders
Here the L-shaped space resulted in the kitchen around the isle is illuminated through two kitchen track lights subdued to the overall theme.
via plantation building corp
The stove may be the focal point of a kitchen, use light to keep things in visual control.
Warm light can create a comforting mood that soothes the nerves and calms the individual.
Elegantly shaped lighting fixture anchored on an impressive geometric wood ceiling. Notice the perspective created by the wooden surfaces on floor and ceiling.
via Giulietti Schouten Architects
An up-cycled heavy-duty wooden beam can become a decorative element to hold your track lights, a craft to be used to one`s advantage.
Linear lighting fixtures are known to be used in art showcases and displays, in collection and galleries. The impressive collection above makes no exception. Notice the bright spots of lights on Ferrari`s hood in the second plane.
via Custer Design Group
Here black has been used to elegantly create contrast with white furnishing and an airy atmosphere, the desk`s structure and the light system above create a beautiful composition well enhanced by the wall art behind and sculptural wall-anchored lamps.
Wooden beams are clear and unobstructed from certain perspective points yet they emphasize the generous kitchen with plenty of light serving a very practical role.
Source Unknown
A basement space can receive the track lights with ease to the inhabitant`s advantage taking little head room for an immense amount of light.
via Studio Santalla
Here the attic light illuminate the top half being situated on the beam, nestled in white, not damaging the airy ambiance.
The highly practical allure of track lights can be put to good use in the laundry room.
Emphasize your art display with the right lighting system.
via Jenny Carter
Focal points can be realized with linear lighting fixtures too, simply choose the right one.
via Tobin + Parnes Design Enterprises
Your hallway can easily be lit with track lights. Punctual wall art pieces can be enhanced by one light in the group.
Light near the window would have reflected back in the setting above thus distorting the expansive views, dim track lights can be controlled to minimize this effect.
Sculpt something that changes the interior space, here geometric lines are rapidly subdued to the naturalness of the curved lighting fixtures.
via Alan Design Studio
Interior subdued to red, home to numerous patterns and textiles, all brought forward through perimeter lighting.
Source Unknown
The system above is extraordinarily graphic yet transparent despite its black wiring. Each lighting bulb carries immense responsibility, make sure you choose the right one for your setting.
Corridors are often spaces that receive track lighting systems as their long and thin profile require linear lighting that here and there need focus points for wall art. The uniform level of lighting required throughout a corridor and the accent light points alike can be distributed to this adaptable light source. Track lights can be angled to meet the criteria of any art or collection display in your home.
Light bulbs on an airy thread of string creates great balance.
via Dan Forer
via Ian Moore Architects
In stark white a black incision that at demand brings in extraordinary light can become a great focal point.
A gallery display ought to receive the light it deserves.
via knowles ps
Wooden logs accommodate track lights that indirectly bring light in the entire living room while highlighting the log beams, greatly emphasizing the rustic ambiance.
A simple line can sculpt something unique.
Source Unknown
Elegant contrasts become focal elements where a track lights bounces light throughout the kitchen from white surface to white surface.
Black lines create contrast in airy ambiance defined by white.
Creating contrast with a piece of colorful wallpaper in the vertical plane and the right pattern on the floor can greatly distract focus; here the seamless track lights under the kitchen cabinets cannot be perceived, hidden from sight it simply does the deed.
Simple sculptural iconic lights can contribute to a glamorous setting.
A sinuous line of track lines can bring naturalness into a rigid, geometric environment.
Elegant brushed aluminium emphasizes discreetly an airy ambiance that uses blue accents to create great contrast.
A closed circuit track light system above the kitchen isle can beautifully integrate form with function.
Small designs too can receive track lights yet the elements themselves need to be more than a simple socket; notice how the tiny sculptural above contribute to the overall scheme.
In dense textures and powerful, bold interior designs light can bring equilibrium, bringing forward focal points, and elements of interest.
What do you think about track lighting and the track lighting ideas presented above? We would love to hear from you in the comment section below!