Time spent outdoors is time spent well and with summer just around the corner we`re all getting ready to enjoy the outdoors to the fullest. Options are limitless when it comes to outdoors activities in general but when it comes down to your petite portion of land there are a handful of things that one could do to emphasize its summer late nights spent with family friends; one of the most important features a yard could have is a fire pit adorn by a sitting area, these two can be realized with ease as the list of tutorials below will swiftly portray through numerous diy fire pit projects.

Besides the fire pit, certain other features could make a great addition to your home: swimming pools, sunken sitting areas with or without a fireplace, pergola ensembles and arbors, water features and of course, barbecue units. Cast a glance over the list below and surge inspiration.
DIY Fire Pit Ideas
1. shape a brilliant diy fire pit area
Fire pits are simple crafts that you can realize at home with ease. It is recommended to share the craft with a friend and not rush the process.
2. washing machines diy fire pits could be extraordinary
Some power tool experience is required in the making but the craft is simply stunning. Make sure that you take all precautions when you wield power tools.
Tutorial @ houseandfig.com
3. use a diy fire pit kit to shape items fast
Fire pits can be easily transformed into cooking units with the proper kit. Enjoy time spent outdoors to the fullest.
Tutorial @ theinspiredroom.net
4. rectangular diy firepits can be built with ease
Rectangular fire pit projects are easier to realize and less expensive as they can use any type of brick.
Tutorial @ theownerbuildernetwork.co
5. bricks might be all you need for your fire pit
via pinterest.com
6. minimalist diy fire pit design in neutral decor
Salvaged metal can take many shapes, simple shapes are definitely an option.
Tutorial @ the-brick-house.com
7. upcycle an old TRACTOR wheel into a cool fire pit
An old tractor wheel can be an exemplary fire-pit whether it`s dressed in rocks or not. Use fire resistant paint for superior resilience.
Tutorial @ tractorbynet.com
8. rustic diy fire pit with a HANDPRINt signature
A craft realized with your loved ones is worth signing. After 2-3 uses the signature will remain your secret, the fire pit then nestling ashes.
via sharpecreations.blogspot.ca
9. build your own high end fireplace
Do it yourself fire pits with a high end, contemporary look can be realized as well. Pursue the solution that fits your needs.
Tutorial @ theartofdoingstuff.com
10. fire pit decorated with blue glass
Tutorial @ diynetwork.com
11. beautiful handmade circular fire pit sitting area
A circular shape greatly emphasizes social cohesion and the fire-pit can be enjoyed to the fullest in this setting.
Tutorial @ countryfarm-lifestyles.com
12. purchase a shopping car and adapt it to safely contain fire
Tutorial @ instructables.com
13. simple home made circular diy fire pit
Greenery around the fire pit is justified when the feature is not often used or the owner simply loves to walk bare foot in the grass; a remarkable feeling, very much appreciated by many.
via pinterest.com
14. rectangular brick-made diy fire pit
via magnoliamerryweather.tumblr.com
Simple fire-bricks used to shape an exemplary fire-pit area. Splendid arrangement.
15. sculptural diy concrete fire pit
Sculptural and modern craft at a controllable scale ready to emphasize your backyard.
Tutorial @ manmadediy.com
16. fast and easy to realize diy fire pit
Tutorial @ homeroad.net
17. simple non-invasive diy fire pit garden nestled in the garden
Tutorial @ reddoorhome.blogspot.com
18. petite bowl fire pits ready to bring coziness and warmth
19. thin bricks SHAPING a low circular fire pit
via thisoldhouse.com
20. bowl-shaped fire pit emphasizing a cold setting
via ehow.com
21. circular natural stone diy fire pit
22. flower-pot shaped concrete and river rocks fire pit
One can shape the fire pit as a flower pot, as a bowl or an old bath-tub. The search for the perfect falsework can be as incredible as the results. Repurpose and up-cycle to obtain items with memory.
23. concrete wrapped in rock fire pit
Concrete shapes can be finished through multiple means with low costs.
24. immense rocks shaping a cool diy fire pit
25. wheel barrow used as a fire pit
via misseffiesdiary.blogspot.com
26. fire pit bricks embracing a metal protection
Various circles can be found at your scrapyard, if that is not an option you can simply slice metal barrels to fit your needs.
Tutorial @ bowerpowerblog.com
27. DISCRETE low fire pit SHAPING an outdoor ENTERTAINING area
The less intrusive the fire-pit and sitting area, the more natural the experience. The domesticated, well controlled environments do provide comfort but they also take a small portion of the magic away.
via pinterest.com
28. rectangular fire pit ready to ENTERTAIN
Cinder blocks can work as a structure, the air pockets will be great insulators, a layer of fire-bricks on top finishes the project.
Tutorial @ caroleknits.net
29. simple concrete and brick fire pit
via pinterest.com
30. impressive modern steel table adaptation fire pit
Tutorial @ wcwelding.com
31. simple to realize low fire pit design worth following
via facebook.com
32. playful brick arrangement in an immense diy fire pit
via rachelferrucci.com
33. simple diy fire pit to realize in 15 minutes
via natalme.com
34. colorful complete fire pit area
via congletonlandscape.com
35. sunken sitting area with sand floors warmed by a fire pit
Something spectacular that will help you recall those immense campfires on the beach.
36. a fire pit enhances any setting
Tutorial @ instructables.com
37. serene fire pit area nestled in an oasis of vegetation
The greener the setting the better.
via flickr.com
38. L-shaped sitting area with a neat fire pit
Corners of the property can be put to good use with L shaped sitting areas and fireplaces. Make sure every individual in the party enjoys the warmth and coziness provided by the fire-pit.
via designed-forlife.com
39. simple bricks shaping a neat fire pit
via Pinterest.com
DIY Fire pits are an excellent addition to your backyard and they`ll surely improve your outdoor experience a great deal. How do you enjoy your garden? Would love to hear your opinion on the subject in the comment section below.
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