Undoubtedly the biggest challenge that we face when decorating our home is "space". This simple five letter word answers all the problems in most cases. We do our best to put every single inch, every single centimeter to good use in our homes and we quite often dream about that one extra storage room that would probably solve all our space conundrums.

Even the luckiest ones that eventually move into a bigger home and obtain that one additional room are finding themselves, once again, craving for even more space, even if we have sufficient space, an empty bedroom corner should receive your attention.
To the question of space at the end of the day we can answer only with planning, with a smart organization and utilization of our space, through a proper cleansing of useless items and smart bedroom corner ideas. Through a few smart tricks we can transform a cramped shelter into an airy immersive and relaxing home.
Bedroom Corner Space Ideas
Some of us are in permanent search for that elusive "additional nook", today we cast a glance to the forgotten solitary corner in the bedroom that is often overlooked and rarely utilized properly. The bedroom corner is a space of great potential just waiting to be unlocked. With the right decor and a little piece of creativity you can easily emphasize your bedroom through the corners; further on we will showcase 12 ideas that we find useful for the bedroom corner, we hope these will feed your imagination and serve as ground work for your future projects.
1. The Corner Bed
The bed is without a doubt the main focal point of your bedroom and it should remain so regardless of its position. Even if it has the main role in the scenario this does not mean it should be always in the center symmetrically. Corner beds in the bedroom corner have been used a while back quite often and today they start to slowly become popular once again. They`re used mainly because they save space and utilize the corner that is usually left unused, gathering dust.
2. Twice the Comfort
In a corner bed the comfort can be enhanced by a dual headboard easily, this offering the feeling of more safety and warmth as well. The biggest advantage though is unraveled in the kids bedrooms where bunk beds are highly space efficient, allowing you to organize the rest of the room as a playground for your little loved ones, probably the best bedroom corner use in the kids room.
3. The Fiery Corner Fireplace
If you are not willing to realign the entire room and move your bed into the corner there are other methods of enhancing your bedroom corners as well; after all an elegant bed into the middle is rather special, it becomes the heart of the room. If this is the case you might consider the corner a good place to materialize a stunning fireplace : a contemporary model with a glass front or even a classic stone fireplace. Consider utilizing a standalone fireplace that will save you the hustle caused by a tedious makeover.
by Lapis Design Partners
by Fisher Heck Architects
by Platt Architecture
4. Lovely Reading Nook
An all time favorite and probably the most utilized way of decorating a bedroom corner : the reading nook. This permits you to relax and immerse yourself into a fine read before you hit the sheets. Whether it`s just a plush comfy char and a cool ottoman along with a side table and table lamp or the most expensive Eames Chair this little space will offer extraordinary experience through your readings.
by Mina Brinkey
by Sean Litchfield Photography
5. Share Your Special Moments
This is addressed mainly to young couples and parents which tend to spend their morning in the quiet refuge of their intimate bedroom. Replacing the reading nook with a simple coffee table and two chairs or even a plush couch by the window would do the trick extremely well. A small breakfast, the morning coffee or just reading the first newspaper at an early hour quietly in the bedroomcan help you enjoy little moments in life easier.
by Stonewood
6. Ergonomic Workstation Enhancing Workaholics
We all are happy because we all are different. If you are more of a workaholic then you are a romantic you should properly consider more pragmatic solutions. You know how much time you spent in front of your laptop or desktop at home and you probably consider an efficient workstation in of the corners of the home. Basically all you need is a work table that can be mounted onto the wall and a chair, you can use a table top that would be able to fold and a fold-able chair to enhance your space. Moreover you can use the vertical space for books, magazines, CD's, you can`t run out of storage if you use vertical space properly.
by Laura Kirar Design
7. Versatile Bookshelves
If a reading nook seemed like a good idea then the idea of a corner bookshelf will shine before your eyes. Obviously, the shelf also doubles as a magnificent display, adding to the aesthetics of the room variety, variety that can be changed every season to match your interior design line.
by Dan Nelson, Designs Northwest Architects
8. Relax in Style
A plush daybed or beautifully colored armchair is another great point of view, this works even better with a spectacular corner window enhancing your rejuvenating spot. The combination is extraordinary and it will give your bedroom a fairy-tale atmosphere especially during winter along with your favorite beverage the loved one and the first snow. The corner window can enhance your interior atmosphere through natural ventilation as well.
by Ryan Group Architects
by GM Construction
by Craig Denis
9. A Good Nightstand
If your bed is already very close to the corner and the small space can accommodate a nightstand, then consider a cool maybe one of a kind DIY nightstand to create a picture-perfect image. Adding twin nightstands on each side gives may be an option giving the room geometric visual composition balance. Simple, timeless and practical, this nightstand will sure be worth it.
by Greg Natale
10. Greenery Brought Inside
Bedroom interior design is far more then decor and accessories alone, you may buy everything you`ve ever wanted yet not feel at home, you may need a special something within, you may need a plant, a small touch of greenery to en-root you. Plants can be added in tropical-style bedrooms that are currently spreading like wildfire, nature brought inside is one of the best methods of enhancing your bedroom interior design with vitality.
by Laura U
11. Snapshots of the World Outside
This is definitely one of the ideal cases with which we are not all blessed. A superb bedrooms able to cast a glance towards idyllic mountains or the waves crashing onto the beach. With such a magnificent privileged vantage point you should take full of advantage through glass walls opening up, probably in the corner, creating a very important exterior interior connection. We are unable to imagine a modern mansion in Cape Town without a view or one at a vantage point near Mont Blanc not overlooking the natural splendor.
by Carney Logan Burke Architects
12. Use & Feed Your Imagination
Last but not least is more of an advice to read, dream and feed your imagination with extraordinary ideas. These will serve you as lived experience when you`ll want to redecorate, these will allow you to envision a space of your liking and give you more options to choose from. Imagine and materialize. You don`t have to recreate an interior design from a picture to say that an article or picture served you well: a simple bathtub in the corner or a painting illuminated in an unique manner enhancing your perspective may do the trick, a simple vase or a chair you`ve seen somewhere, invest in yourself, be creative and feel free to change your decor whenever you feel the need.
by James Thomas
What do you think? We`ve convinced you that your corner bedroom should be revitalized? Have these 12 ideas served you any good or you had something very different in mind? We would love to hear your opinion in the comment section bellow and complete this guide with your own ideas!
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