If you've found this article you`ve at least thought of raising chickens one day and as any experimented householder would recommend, you need to build a chicken coop before actually purchasing the little creatures; you are here because you have realized that a pre-fabricated coop might not be something that suits your needs and you've made the right decision, you need to build an easy simple chicken coop tailored to your needs, the following article contains spectaculous diy chicken coop plans in easy to build tutorials, 100% free of charge.

Don`t be a chicken, building your own coop is far easier than you think !
It is easy indeed and it is immense fun, yet to build a coop you need a plan or a tutorial from an experienced individual, one that has built something likes this before, he encountered problems, he wrote them down and he`s passing the information now on. You are in the right place. The internet`s infinity can easily surface thousands of plans for sale or for free yet not all of them are easy to follow and not all of them are worth following, most of them being experiences, nothing more.
Here`s where this carefully curated list comes into play.
The world`s most creative, best looking and easiest to build 55 chicken coop plans are available below, free of charge for you to build them in the comfort of your home. These are really simple designs in principle, cheap chicken coop designs that you can realize alone in a weekend with the right set of tools.
If you`ve found the chicken coop plans below interesting we invite you to check various other free woodworking plans, we have curated lists that will show you how to build a playhouse, rabbit hutch, pole barn, small cabin, greenhouse, porch swing, fire pit, garage, cat tower, a rocket stove, tiny house, duck house, deer stand, bat house, diy tree house, cat tower, porch swing, farmhouse table, pole barn, rabbit hutch, diy dog bed, a pallet fence, a coffee table or a gazebo.
The thing you are about to materialize is not just a shelter that protects chickens from the elements, it`s a place in which they'll live and as you`ve surely found out by now their happiness is reflected in the eggs quality and therefore the eggs are influenced by the coop, so there are a few things worth mentioning before you start building one from scratch, cast a glance:
1. Chicken Coop Size
The simple general rule states that one chicken needs 4 square feet of coop space so if you aim for three chickens you`ll need a 12 square foot coop; 3x4; 6x2 or above. If the chickens are cooped all the time things change, they will need at least 10 feet each.
Insufficient space will not only alter the eggs quality and the chicken`s happiness but will also bring an unnatural smell fast as stressed chicken behave oddly and they can even get aggressive with each other, pecking each other. Insufficient space can also invite diseases.
If your space cannot allow at least 4 square feet per chicken you can attempt 2.5-3 square feet with the sole condition of allowing chickens to be outdoors at all time.
Smaller bantam breeds naturally need space, they can enjoy two square feet.
2. Chicken Coop Location
Consider these factors when choosing location for your chicken coop:
- Shade and sunlight; your live stock needs sunlight throughout the day but they also require a shaded area.
- Natural ventilation; a nice wind flow to change the air would be extraordinary but avoid places with strong wind, usually positioning the coop under a tree checks multiple boxes.
- Easy access; usually at least two times per day you`ll be around your flock, make the place easy accessible.
- Noise and smell; consider these two things and they`ll prevent you from positioning the chicken coop close to your house or close to your neighbors.
You don`t have to pin the coop into place directly, monitor an area for a week, make a trial run if possible and ensure there are no major impediments.
3. Coop Planning
To protect your things you don`t need a wall and a roof only, the shelter needs to contain inside-out things that make your flock healthy and happy, here are a few things worth considering in the planning process.
- Chicken coop nesting box; this is the place where each chicken will eventually lay an egg and you need at least one for two hens; the box ought to measure 12x12x12 inches and be elevated 10-20 inches above ground.
- Ventilation and windows; are naturally required to ensure the proper environment, without ventilation chickens can get sick easily; light is also required for their happiness.
- Feeder and waterer; they need no introduction, simply ensure they`re scaled to your flock correctly.
- Perch area; it is known that chickens love to sleep on perch, it makes them happy.
- The run; an outdoor fenced area in which they can wonder about happily is important, it improves a chicken`s life quality.
- Dust bath container; chickens use dust or sand to clean themselves and stay healthy; this earthy mixture is part of their life.
- Poop boards; usually positioned beneath the perching area, this board can help you a lot of time when it comes to cleaning.
- Artificial lighting; in the winter especially warm lights can emphasize egg production, they also create a comforting ambiance.
Basic information about the chicken coop lies above yet for detailed information we highly recommend you to consult a specialist. In the following rows we will present our carefully curated list of world` best chicken coop designs, we invite you to check each design and surge inspiration. We would love to hear your opinion and experience in the comment section below.
57 Free Chicken Coop Plans
1. A-Frame Red and White
An A-Frame chicken coop in white uses a small red door to create a fairy-tale setting for little chickens.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 6 footprint |
Capacity | 2 chickens |
Difficulty | 3/10 |
2. Build a Cape-cod Chicken Coop Design
The dwelling is certainly a bit more beautiful than certain homes; stark white, black joints, wooden shingles, a splendid combination. The cape cod inspired chicken coop is nestled in greenery and it has its potted plans to emphasize it.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 5 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
3. Joyful Yellow Little Coop
A really happy state, a tiny chicken coop beautifully decorated with everything from greenery to house sigil the ensemble is here to stay, emphasizing the world through both design and naturalness. The extraordinary design has been discovered via Pinterest and the source is unknown yet the design is simple enough to follow, powerful enough to inspire.
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 4 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
4. The Luxuriant Chicken "Fresh Eggs" Suite
Ana White has changed the DIY community, it is known. The vintage armoire re-purposed above into an exemplary chicken coop that has been vouched by time, it offers fresh eggs and great design everyday now.
Dimensions (feet) | Unknown |
Capacity | Variable |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
5. SWANKY Beautiful Odd Cottage
It is a chicken coop in disguise, it features a beautiful porch and a chandelier meant to satisfy even the most exquisite chicken in the world. The shabby chic of the dwelling simply cannot be overlooked.
Dimensions (feet) | Unknown |
Capacity | Unknown |
Difficulty | 10/10 |
6. Blue Chicken Chalet
This is the extraordinary result of a family intrigued by a 600 dollars price tag on a small chicken coop for home use. A price can lead people towards extraordinary things and the construction is a living proof !
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 4 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
7. Chicken Oasis in Lush Vegetation
Greenery, vegetation, immense beauty in a setting that could be the ideal model for the dream home of many chickens. The design uses exemplary views as the home itself is elevated allowing chickens to enjoy great views towards the green heaven.
Dimensions (feet) | 3 x 6 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 9/10 |
8. Dog House Transformation
If you`re looking for your first chicken dwelling the dog house might be the ideal place to start, build an extra door and a simple extension with chicken wire on a wooden structure; alternatively you can use PVC.
Dimensions (feet) | 3 x 3 |
Capacity | 2 chickens |
Difficulty | 1/10 |
9. Red Little Barn
Red with white accents barn shelters chickens in a beautiful and comfortable shape boosting country charm.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 3 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
10. Stylish Chicken Coop MANSION
A beautiful colorful chicken coop mansion that spreads joy, when we first saw it we simple asked when we can move in; the stylish chicken coop can nestle some really happy chickens in there !
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 6 |
Capacity | 12 chickens* |
Difficulty | 7/10 |
11. Epic PVC Portable Poultry Pen
You can use the modular pieces of PVC to create numerous chicken coops yet the one above has a great advantage, it can be moved easily thus offering your live stock the chance to change scenery quite often; this also helps you in maintenance !
Dimensions (feet) | Variable |
Capacity | Variable |
Difficulty | 7/10 |
12. Simple Urban Chicken Coop
The beautiful design can be built by amateurs with ease thanks to a highly detailed guide envisioned by Lynda. The scale can be adapted yet for small ensembles it works beautifully, working that charming cottage look in its favor.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 3 |
Capacity | 5 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
13. Chicken Coop Farm Extravaganza
To care for your chicken can mean more than building a shelter, feeding and cleaning after them. Decorations can help. One extraordinary installation that wears the name " On the farm" has been tailored by the Scotts` and it looks surreal, cast a glance !
Dimensions (feet) | N/A |
Capacity | N/A |
Difficulty | 9/10 |
14. Homemade Extraordinary Chicken Coop
Love in DIY at a small scale to the chicken`s advantage. A really splendid example worth following.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
15. Tailor a Cute Mini-Chicken Ranch
One playhouse can be creatively re-purposed and whether you already have it or you start looking for an used one re-design simple chicken wire on a wooden frame will help you shape a beautiful mini-chicken ranch for your live stock.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
16. Small Farm Chicken Coop
This is a design in the top ranks, it is not that graphic nor is it really easy to build yet the author, Natalie has mentioned every nail in used in the process along with 3D imagery from a Google SketchUp file and as a result the building process becomes far easier to handle. This is the result of experience, a design that simply works.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 3.5 |
Capacity | 7 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
17. Chicken Coop Palace in Wood
The coop itself is large enough for 6 chickens yet the extensive run-yard describes the dream world of every chicken on earth. This design has been built by two individuals, they`re not design professionals. What do you think? Are you ready to take on a cool diy project?
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 54 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
18. City Coop from the South
The author of this beauty, Rick, states that this is his first building project, a fact hard to believe as the result is simply extraordinary. It is entitled South City Coop and the main attribute is the volume here, beautifully integrated into the home design. Windows allow great ventilation and natural light in.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 3 |
Capacity | 5 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
19. Functionally Simple Chicken Coop
According to the guys over at BarnGeek this exact design is being sold for 2,000 dollars on the market yet they`ve built it using leftover lumbers from another project; the big advantage of the design is its ease of access to eggs and feeders.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 4 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
20. The Little Chicken Coop by Trictle
This adorable little chicken coop has an extraordinary design alone but it also includes an additional heater for rough winters to further emphasize the comfort of the little creatures. The elevated position also translates into extra protection from predators and the elements.
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 4 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
21. Canopy Chicken Coop Palace Design
Rustic, pretty and functional yet spiced with certain amenities the palace above enjoys the shade of a tree and a green field all around yet privacy curtains have been installed if the little creatures cannot withstand the sun`s heat during those long summer days.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 2 ducks |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
22. Simple Chicken Coop Design
From small to large you can find four chicken coop plans below along with one automatic waterer, one feeder and one plan for nesting boxes. These plans have been provided by Universities apparently, University of Tennessee and North Dakota Agricultural College, and they`re the result of certified studies so they`re by default: good.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 6 - 11 x 12 |
Capacity | 17 - 33 chickens |
Difficulty | 8/10 |
23. Shelter of a Grand Design at a Small Scale
Door sweep, removable roosts, electricity for heated water feeder, lights, infrared chick-camera, good ventilation, everything that one could need in a chicken coop. Attach this to a run and you have something extraordinary. The complete plans are not included yet the design itself is a resource on its own.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 4 |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
24. a Palace for Your Flock
Pallets are some sort of treasure, they contain great wood with little to no costs, the can help you shape something extraordinary like the coop design above with 0 costs, you can actually shelter 32 chickens with no costs at all. The Pallet Palace above is an immense establishment but you can always scale this design to your needs.
Dimensions (feet) | 16 x 8 |
Capacity | 32 chickens |
Difficulty | 2/10 |
25. Pastel Colored Coop
Green mind and wood`s naturalness make an extraordinary combination and here they were sculpted in something that resembles a really small chicken home, the little ones can even enjoy lounge chairs in bright colors.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 10 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 8/10 |
26. Super Easy Chicken Coop
It is easy, the guys from MyOutdoorPlans supposedly built this in one day and they have a plan for a nesting box too.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 4 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
27. Contemporary Rustic Red Chicken Coop
It uses reclaimed wood yet it boosts a powerful colorful red with great windows , a cut-out door allows easy access and shapes the vertical component of ensemble.
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 4 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
28. A-Frame Chicken Coop Resort
The phrase " be all you can be " has got a little twist on this old swing set now A-Frame high end chicken resort; chicken of all kinds can enjoy sunny and shaded areas emphasized by exotic potted greenery in full comfort.
Dimensions (feet) | 12 x 6 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 2/10 |
29. Epic Free Pallet Coop
The wood salvaged from wooden pallets is worth 1000 dollars according to Judy, the extraordinary artist behind it ! All that wood, free of charge and the chicken coop looks exemplary as the wooden pallets have been disassembled in the process, a highly rewardful process.
Dimensions (feet) | 7 x 7 |
Capacity | 12 chickens |
Difficulty | 8/10 |
30. Re-purpose a Baby Crib
A swift transformation that could become highly productive in no time; the colorful presence ought to to create a merry atmosphere in the yard.
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 3 |
Capacity | 3 chickens |
Difficulty | 2/10 |
31. Wire Spools Shape Fancy Chicken Coop
A super unique shape, a super unique shelter that looks extraordinary whilst being super easy to realize. The coop takes little space as it has has been developed vertically unlike other chicken coops in this list. Salvage two three wire spools and you can sculpt a super cool chicken for little breeds. Needless to say that the process can be easily scaled.
Dimensions (feet) | N/A |
Capacity | 2 chickens |
Difficulty | 2/10 |
32. Modern Chicken Coop Plans
Home Depot invested time and resources into creating a small chicken coop ready to shelter three chickens and they`ve listed every materials used in the process. Videos have been produced too to help you in your DIY endeavors, throw an eye !
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 3 |
Capacity | 3 chickens |
Difficulty | 3/10 |
33. Elegance in Red Re-purposed
The right route in DIY is born from creativity and the individual`s imagination; it builds something unique, beautiful, extraordinary. The small red cottage above has a rustic charm that seems surreal, splendid, suited for people and chickens alike.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 4 |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
34. Swift Simple Coop
A chicken coop that you can truly build in hours is here for you, it has been envisioned by Farmer Kitty, that is her username on BYC. She build inexpensive solutions as an alternative to complex expensive kits that fail to impress chickens despite their price tag.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 4 |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 1/10 |
35. Chicken Coop Shed
Ana designed this for a friend that built it in 30 hours only with three people working on it over the course of four days. Every tool, every material used has been provided and the tutorial also contains detailed 3D SketchUp pictures that will aid you in the building process.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 4 |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
36. Wooden Pallets Shaping Homes
Wooden pallets can be the ideal materials, they`re inexpensive, durable, resilient natural materials that will pair well with the little animals. The cottage project can be scaled to fit your live-stock needs with ease.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5* |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
* Dimension for the shelter.
37. CYLINDRICAL Chicken Coop
A curvy roof can function better than a flat roof as it receives sun rays more efficiently and captures more warmth, it is also significantly sturdier and more resilient when it comes to strong winds; it is far more beautiful too. If you are careful enough in the planning process the design is extraordinarily practical in installation too making this a really intriguing solution.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 8* |
Capacity | 16 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
* Dimension for the shelter, the complete footprint with the run included measures 8 x 16.
38. Geometric Chicken Coop Shelter
An architect would use the small scale to his advantage to experiment with the geometric environment in the chicken`s favor. Create the right design and embrace it.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 9/10 |
39. Modular PVC Chicken Coop
Inexpensive, durable, easy to assemble and most importantly : modular and scalable PVC is, an extraordinary alternative to wood when it comes to chicken coops. You can build a chicken coop with no nail, no hammer. In the section below you can find the complete details for your next coop.
Dimensions (feet) | 4 x 4* |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
* Dimension for the shelter, the complete footprint with the run included measures 10 x 9.
40. Urban Chicken Coop Design
The smallest place in your yard can shelter a beautiful home for your chickens, create something that you truly like they`ll surely love it. In the design above the roof has been used as a raised planter and it now grows natural organic food for home use. How do you see the extraordinary combination above?
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 5 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 8/10 |
41. Elegant Chicken Coop - Paid Exception
This is not a free option, indeed yet it is here because its price to quality and size average is very good, it is a ready to use chicken coop with all the right items that one might need to provide your flock full comfort. For the amateur diy enthusiast that misses certain tools the fair price of the ensemble above might end up far cheaper than purchasing all the right tools.
Dimensions (feet) | 3.5 x 2.25 - 10 x 2.25 |
Capacity | 2-6 chickens |
Difficulty | 0/10 |
42. The Coop of Harriet
Karl Caden has shared to the world`s benefit no less than 100 chicken coop plans options for sale yet his best sample is sharing free of charge. It is a great design that certainly deserves your attention, cast a glance !
Dimensions (feet) | 12 x 3 |
Capacity | 9 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
43. Elegant Circular Chicken Coop
A chicken tractor basically means a portable chicken coop that you can move around your yard and it has two immense benefits : it naturally fertilizes your garden as you move it along and it allows your flock to remove pests and weeds in the process. This solution is also considered convenient when it comes to maintenance.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 4 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
44. Wooden Chicken Tractor
The chicken tractor plan above has been envisioned by The Kerr Center and it has sufficient room for three chickens.
Dimensions (feet) | 5 x 2.5* |
Capacity | 3 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
*Dimension of the shelter; footprint with run included measures 10 x 5.
45. Little Backyard Chicken Coop
This chicken coop plan has been uploaded on Instructables and today it has no less than 600 favorites and almost 800,000 views that confirm its epicness. The creator, Robb describes the design as being inspired by certain barns in Kansas and with costs that average 40 dollars it is definitely something worth considering. Find out about Robb`s experience and thought process behind the design in the tutorial below.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 4 |
Capacity | 6 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
46. Salvaged Materials Shapes Chicken Shelter
The design might not stand out yet the project above is the result of a highly experienced DIY`er that builds in a matter of minutes anything you might need. The design showcased functions brilliantly and had little to no costs. Above the roof can be opened for easy maintenance.
Dimensions (feet) | 3.5 x 3.5 |
Capacity | 3 chickens |
Difficulty | 1/10 |
47. Big Chicken Coop Design
The dwelling above can comfortable shelter 10 heavy layers in full comfort and you can see the head space is immense, a dream world for a chicken.
Dimensions (feet) | 8x4* |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 8/10 |
*Dimension for the shelter; the footprint of the ensemble, run included, measures 12 x 8.
48. Swift Small Chicken Coop
If you are just starting out and need two three chickens to save some money on eggs daily no large, complicated and expensive coop is needed. You simply need something strong, weather-proof to provide comfort to your little creatures, the simple ensemble above can be realized with nails, salvaged wood,a saw and a hammer without sacrificing on the chicken`s experience.
Dimensions (feet) | 8x2 |
Capacity | 4 chickens |
Difficulty | 1/10 |
49. Comfort at The Right Scale
Immense, beautiful and secure the coop above checks all the boxes for a certain price yet it will guarantee years of exploitation with little maintenance. The scale can be adapted and in the design process the ensemble has already been optimized in terms of materials and efficiency.
Dimensions (feet) | 4x5* |
Capacity | 5 chickens |
Difficulty | 7/10 |
* Dimension for the shelter; the footprint of the ensemble, run included, measures 10 x 5.
50. One Small Chicken House
It is small yet it is a house entirely, a coop bigger than most items on our list ready to shelter chickens indoors only if need be. Ventilation has been solved naturally through windows and while keeping chickens indoors at all time is possible this is not recommended.
Dimensions (feet) | 8x8 |
Capacity | 16 chickens |
Difficulty | 7/10 |
51. Green in Greenery Farm Chicken Coop
This is a great one, it is super simple and super functional, it can be used with little to no costs if you use salvaged wood. The rectangle footprint of the coop is also extraordinary space-efficient even though in this chickens have sufficient space outdoors to wonder about.
Dimensions (feet) | 8x4* |
Capacity | 8 chickens |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
* Dimension of the coop; the run measures 8x12.
52. Simple Triangular Chicken Coop
Ana White has shared with the world extraordinary plans numerous times and the portable chicken tractor above is no exception as it has an extraordinary weight-space ratio and little costs of production. Chickens would be comfortable with head space yet the coop can be move rapidly if need be. Needless to say that the project can be scaled to your needs.
Dimensions (feet) | 8 x 5* |
Capacity | 3 chickens |
Difficulty | 3/10 |
* The top shelter measures 10 sq. ft.
53. Rustic Log Cabin Chicken Coop
It is known that log cabins have always been graphic, warm and cozy spreading a rustic ambiance. In movies and photographs we see this design language used on alpine chalets usually yet a log house scaled down can be used to shelter chickens too, the solution is definitely resilient and graphic.
Dimensions (feet) | 6 x 6 |
Capacity | 9 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
54. Small Chicken Coop With Minimal Costs
To buy a prefabricated solution for 10 chickens would cost around one thousand dollars for the coop alone yet numerous DIY enthusiasts have designed extraordinary coops with lesser budgets, cast a glance and surge inspiration.
Dimensions (feet) | 8x5 |
Capacity | 10 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
55. Shelter For a Happy Flock
The design above has history, it includes the grandparents of Joy Tarter, the individual that today owns a company in the United States entitled Tarter Farm & Ranch. Joy`s parents have built this chicken house in Kentucky back 1985 and it was super durable, easy on maintenance and so comfortable for chickens that the family decided to share the complete project with the world. You can now build this immense shelter for your flock, time vouched for it.
Dimensions (feet) | 16x8 |
Capacity | 32 chickens |
Difficulty | 5/10 |
56. One Small Chicken Coop
A small chicken coop that can be realized with ease, in a couple of hours you might be ready to grow two chickens comfortable. The tutorial contains an extensive two-part video guide that explains in detail how one could achieve the result above. Feel free to scale this design if you intend to use it for more than two chickens.
Dimensions (feet) |
Capacity | 2 chickens | |
Difficulty | 4/10 |
57. Modern and Elegant Chicken Coop Design
A comfortable volume that can hold up to 30 heavy breeds without issue; the dwelling has been constructed by a an amateur yet the result is highly professional and while the design might look plain it looks elegant in its simplicity.
Dimensions (feet) | 12 x 10 |
Capacity | 30 chickens |
Difficulty | 6/10 |
Are you ready to start your first coop? Were these diy chicken coop plans useful? We would love to hear your valuable feedback in the comment section below!
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